Public Relations Development

In the last times we follow the behavior of the human beings and the impacts that are being caused in the Environment and the society. The exacerbado development of the population ally the globalization is causing catastrophes that threaten to each day that passes the life in this Planet. Observing this picture we perceive that to revert or simplesmentente to attenuate this problematic one it is necessary and it demands urgency. With this, the main changes are seen inside of the companies and in the communities in which they are inserted, since, if fomented between its public it becomes more easy the implantation of social and ambient action for damages (R.S.A). In this context, the force of the Social Communication enters as facilitador factor for the promotion of action of socioambiental matrix and awareness. To create possibilities for the participation of all and to stimulate the application of habits that more assist in the learning and the addition of information for the formation of individuals responsible they can and they must be played by these professionals, who qualified for this, contribute in the reversion of this process. When approaching the languages, the communication between the public brings benefits to the institutions and communities, beyond contributing with the personal development and the ambient preservation. Soon, she is notable who performance of the professional of Public Relations if becomes basic in this aspect, therefore as a development agent and diffusion of information brings resulted significant allies to the R.S.A. knowledge. Valley to remember also, that its importance is given in such a way in what says respect to the socioambientais abilities, as in other diverse segments in which is necessary its attributions.

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Supery has three functions: autoobservacin, brings back to consciousness moral, formation of ideals, that is the fundamenteal, because from the constitution of these ideals they derive the two remaining functions. The denied one goes against the autoobservacin, that it decrees distance or the approach of I with respect to the ideal. The maintenance of this denied returns inoperative the critic from brings back to consciousness moral, since to powerful the everything it is allowed to them, are beyond the good and of the evil. Then, when falling the denied one, I is inner to me before the critic of brings back to consciousness moral. The disrespect of supery is correlative of a retirement of the investitures of the formation of ideals, and consequently supery is transformed into pure culture of pulsin of death.

Freud maintained that in supery the reality and the pulsiones reconcile, and in this sense we think that the disrespect of supery is a defense that attempts against this instance in as much representing of the reality. The educator does not take care of the calls " cordura" proferidos by the educandos, in those who supery is projected. When this defense happens before supery, also it is interfered with the metaphorical process, but on the other reason: because when losing themselves or questioning the ideals, the sense of the reality is lost and, thus, significance of own desires, and the supposed reality. C. In order to obtain disrespect on the part of the student, the narcisista educator can put into play the use of contradictions logics, semantic, pragmatic, answers that turn aside the thought; it can try to break to the interlocutor the relation to him with the sensorialidad. That it does not create what sees, neither in the feelings, nor in the form to think conventional.

The educator puts into play these mechanisms and tries that it suffers educating them. If educating is not rebelled before the educator, educating the low regard. If educating yes is rebelled, forced the educator to rectify itself or to misestimate. When the educating low regard, thinks that educating is a transgressor and who denies to his coast. Usually it says that the student is " rebelde" , or that " the order subverts, and it does not take me in cuanta". (The nature of the contradictions will be treated in the part second). In this interaction generated by the contradictions, educating is object of a violence greater than the authoritarian one. In this last one it is made be silent to the other, but this other maintains capacity to think. However with denied and the contradictions, the possibility can be disabled of thinking of the other, and in this way to take to this one the conviction to him and of making believe it the nonconceivable thing. Educating runs risks when the educator maintains the denied one repeatedly. But a single condition is not sufficient. It requires in addition, of the warning order of educating, abandonante familiar means, certain educative policies of rigid institutions led by fascinating educators. This system puts the student in risk of oligofrenizar it because cannot pass when thinking assets,

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To Educate A Dog

Everything what your dog learns during its first year of life will leave it noticeable for always, of there the great importance of a correct education during this one time, but you are not discouraged if your dog already has more than 1 year of age; still you can improve some things in him; although to be I will say sincere you that this is more difficult that to educate a puppy well. To the question on Like Educating a dog beginning always saying that an evil handling in the raising and a bad education can take to some dogs to develop ” Upheavals of the Comportamiento” (that is conduct problems) like the phobias to the noises, the dogs, the people; mainly to the children and this it can finish in serious mordeduras and aggressions. By all what has been said previously you will be able to be given account of which it is not enough with giving him to eat and to vaccinate it; also it is necessary a correct and responsible education. Here some practical advice on Like Educating a Dog go: 1) – Like Educating a Dog: ” Few palabras” In order to issue an order to the dog it is not necessary to use many words and in addition these must of being short, since it does not include the human language a simple one NO! well energetic it is sufficient. Also you could use: qudate, outside, here, stop, attention, together, sit (seated), down (thrown), we go, above, well, etc.

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Sustainable Education

The Ambient Education is seen today as a perspective of active change of the reality and the conditions of life, for intermediary of the happened awareness of the reflective social process in diverse formal educative spaces and not-deeds of division. Under this vision the main objective of this article is to reflect on the importance of the Ambient Education it sustainable development and to argue concerning the current society assuring the importance of the planetary complexity and the questions that evolvem its practical applicability as half to guarantee the support searching a style of sustainable life and the construction of a holistic paradigm that guideline the man the nature and the world, as necessary party in the attempt of an Education for the sustainable development. Sustainable development. Society contemporary. etails and insights.

This practical study considers reflection on the social ones in the context characterized for the destruction of the environment leaving of the diagnosis that the industrial capitalist society is based on the profit and the consumption and comes being during much consumista and progressive time. The purpose of the work with this subject is to supply subsidies necessary to create new attitudes and behaviors face to the consumption in our society and to instigate necessary changes the awareness route the production based on the sustainable development. The human beings inhabit today in an environment created, where the industry contemporary, together with science and the technology, modified and still it modifies the nature with insonhveis attitudes in risk space that, in the extreme limit, at risk deposits the survival of the species human being. In accordance with Morim, the ecological risks are the result of the expansion of science and the technology. Ahead of the necessity of change of social behavior for the effectiveness of the concept of sustainable development, ‘ is necessary; ‘ to educate for the understanding humana’ ‘ (Morin, 2002, p.93).

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