The Child

During century IX and XX the economic and social development of our country brought obtains social damages, therefore in a context of economic, industrial and urban growth they are inserted the aggravation of the social crises: proliferation of tenement houses, marginality, misery and crime, without isentar the minors who each time more early were directed to search, to fight for the sustenance and to promote its survival. Thus, they created new social rules that would guarantee &#039 to them; ' felicidade' ' leaving to usufruct of the educational, intellectual and social development. These minors influenced for the social environment where they lived were placed to the edge of the society by means of repression. All those that not if they inserted in the process of rules and productivity of the society was condemned the vagrancy and predestinold the repression. Such attitudes, of a child or adolescent, are recognized as revolt or social indifference. The desires of this individual in direction its happiness are fixed in distress and frustrations lived deeply in its I circulate social. These desires in search of its happiness find pleasure in the infraction of rules, the violence or the use of narcotics that ' ' suspendero' ' its you distress.

Before interacting with its pairs, the child is influenced by its parents. Since the birth she is submitted the multiple rules to discipline and same before speaking she takes conscience of that she possesss certain obligations. The social rules that the child learns do not correspond to its necessities and interests. For this reason, Piaget believes that it would be artificial to study the moral development from the comment of as the child understands and obeys such rules (Cria-Sabini, 1986). However, one admits that the moral is passvel of being conquered by the education. Each individual passes for a series of pressures on the part of the adults which determine and favor the moral heteronmica, clearly visible as being a relation of having and obligation.

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Young School

A text that also illustrates the positioning of the professor in relation to its pupil: when adopting alfabetizao method ' ' engessado' ' the professor stimulates the pupil to be mere ' ' reprodutor' ' of the reality where he is inserted. To the step that when adopting alfabetizao method more ' ' livre' ' , more dynamic, more interesting, pupil will contribute it to become an individual capable to modify the reality where he is inserted. Leaving the position of expectador for the modifier position agent. Somebody capable thing to carry through and not only to reproduce already the existing one. In such a way we understand the alfabetizao process as being one of the moments most important in the formation of the individual.

Being ideal that it still happens in infancy, however currently we find still an expressive number of illiterate adult people in our Country. This reality is being faced with the creation of the young programs of alfabetizao of adult (PRO EJA), spread for all Country with the objective of alfabetizar young adult and takes off them of this condition. at this moment we open the quarrel to trace a parallel with the Precious film (2009), where the protagonist is an adolescent of 16 years that she does not know to read nor to write. Although the school frequentasse, it became invisible the eyes of those professors. Therefore as to justify the permanence of it in the same series of alfabetizados pupils? Only when engravidar for the second time that then the director decides to take some attitude in relation to the girl: she banishes it from the college. The pupil transfers to an alternative school.

That is, a school that alfabetiza young. At this moment it passes to be seen as a complete individual and not only as a school registration, a number. In this favorable environment it then starts to learn to read and to write.

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Horkheimer Adornment

Axe of Assis is an extremely didactic example of reading education. For it you can learn to not only read the book in itself, but some commentaries and notice contained in the book and children who possess the access the Axe of Assis progress much more and the country that tends economically and socially to grow makes it of time with the injection of people scholars. But the Brazilian schools (and in this in case that public, but also particular and particular on ones religious institutions) are not imported in letrar, but in alfabetizar its pupils. A time alfabetizados, that is, a time it having capacity to read, or being apt for such it is played in second degrees that useless and very little contents pour usable in the life and learn the magical way of the copies, the sites and, mainly, of control c and control v and seems that in a magician pass who would have as second step to read definitively has the brecado process on account of a pedagogia that not pedagogical in some schools. It is a situation lamentable and alarming, but comprovvel in any plan of lesson (when they exist), in any college and even though college.

The people become more shes-ass (in the direction pointed for Professor Ghiraldelli Jr In one of the final aforismos of the text of Horkheimer Adornment on the burrice as fixidez, stop, to park) in the measure where they gain degrees in the coasts because they are incapable to leave its perches and to sing of rooster in another clientele. great part of this exactly must nobody nor to teach and others not to learn (as if it learns without education). The degree of comprometimento of the reading in Brazil is so great that many people, in relation to the Politics, at least know what is if to locate in a place of center-left or social democracy.

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Relph Space

However it considers that the space can come to be a place when will be explored, known, experienciado. In turn, the place can is changedded into space, when this to cause in the man sadness, bad souvenir of something. In citations of Relph it is clearly that spaces contain places and that places are the spaces closest of the men. To understand and to differentiate space and place from many studies and research were and are the studious objectives of some gegrafos, philosophers and of the area.

In this work of Amlia Regina Baptist Walnut, where it cites some studious and its ideas on space and place, it is easy to arrive a conclusion of that the place alone is place, properly said, when it is lived by the man and that space can be place when this will be inhabited and humanizado, it appears there to the question of the fenomenologia that tends to explain the man with its personal experiences of the place. These thinking ones only come to add, of the emphasis and to show that the place study it is not to treat the man as population, people, classroom and yes as the formador of the place with experiences that only that one that lives in this data place has. This workmanship has for objective to formulate a thought differentiated in the geographic treatment of Place, is rich in content for geography colleges student, therefore it approaches a subject that translates quarrel in this area sufficiently and, mainly, this Work it would be sufficiently useful in the education of geography of the initial series, would be of utmost importance to work the place where the pupil lives, its relations with this space and the people who are part of it. The experience acquired with the lived space (Place), the children pass to a phase of mental representation of this place (subject already treated by Walnut in this summary), that is, at this moment they make representations of the place in its return from mental projects of the places lived for them. This work takes the pupil to discover and to understand the geography of the place where it lives. The category of place translates the spaces with which the people have more affective bonds. The place is where they are the personal references and the values that they direct different forms to perceive and to construct the geographic space. (PCNs).

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The Deficiency

The loss of the physical force that the deficiency brings to the individual makes with that the same if it pledges in activities that do not involve physical effort. The intellectual and professional activities fill the space destined to the physical effort that an individual in its full physical form can carry through. But it has cases where the deficient one is felt ahead inhibited of the fact to have that to continue with the studies. The fact to have that to surpass the referring difficulties to the examinations, the tests and the academic subjects it can become, in the majority of the cases, a barrier ahead of the deficient one. To deal with the responsibilities that a half academic imposes the individual can make with the person with deficiency is inhibited and pass not to search to surpass the difficulties. The human being, being in freedom condition and being responsible for what it chooses for its life, depends only on itself exactly to construct its existence in the world. Being thus, the individual with deficiency when making a choice to enter in a college or to pass in a competition to obtain a position must make responsible for its choice, depending only on itself exactly to continue its existencial trajectory.

Exactly ahead of an obstacle that the academic world and the professional world impose to it, the deficient one must have responsibility after to decide between continuing fighting or to give up to face the difficulties. The form as the deficient physicist deals with world to its redor and with the people also it is important. The deficient one for if feeling different of the too much individuals and for having faced losses throughout the convivncia with the deficiency, appeal what if &#039 could call one; ' couraa' ' it protects that it of the perigos of the world that passes to be seen as being dangerous and harmful for the same.

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