Month: January 2016
The Objective
You must have an overall picture of the activity and all tying and each piece into place. In recent months, FireEye Inc has been very successful. Depending on the size, will be more or less complicated puzzle. Supervisors, are people in charge of say, the sections of the event as they could be: food and drinks, decor, management of media relations public, among others. As I said, it will depend on the scale of activity. Many times with a single supervisor is enough.
Now we simulemos that we are going to carry out a promotional event. The first thing is to establish and have clear objectives. This objective is what will give direction to the investment. Depending on this objective is that we will know how much time and money we are willing to invest. The objective also determined: the type of event, where it is more convenient to do so, who should be invited, what the general public which will go it, who the company should not miss, is the best time to do it, as well as the date and time, use of national dates and memorable days, it should be like decor and lighting, all these elements will give you the basis for the calculation of many other vital factors such as the budget, the time required for the optimum realization, who should be involved, etc. You must obtain this information, you must do your homework.
Once you answer all these questions and many others that will emerge you on the road you should re-check your objective, project expected results and determine if you are being realistic and consistent with the need to raised. A good method to determine in advance all this is simply, not do planning you alone. Even if it is your direct responsibility, make the initial approach and then carry out a meeting with the departments involved, present his entire plan, and upon the basis of the outcome of the meeting make the relevant adjustments.
Food Safety Outdoor Education
Hiking, camping and boating are good activities for active people and families. However, if food is not handled correctly, foodborne illness can be an unpleasant memory. 1. Choose foods that are light enough to carry in a backpack and can be transported safely. Keep foods hot or cold. Since it is difficult to keep foods hot without a heat source, it is best to transport chilled foods. Refrigerate or freeze food at night. What foods to bring? For a day trip, most of what they will always fit in your backpack and keep it cold – sandwiches, fried chicken, bread and cheese, and even salads – or choose non-perishable food.
2. Keep it clean. Remember to bring disposable wipes if you are taking a day trip. (Water is too heavy to bring enough for cleaning dishes!) 3. Not a good idea to rely on fresh water from a lake or river to drink, no matter how clean it looks. Some pathogens thrive in remote mountain lakes or streams and there is no way of knowing what might have fallen into the water upstream. Bring bottled water or tap water to drink. Always start with a bottle filled with water and replenish the supply of public systems to the test when possible.
On long trips you can find water in streams, lakes and springs, but be sure to purify the water in nature, no matter how clean it looks. 4. If you are backpacking for more than a day, the food situation is a bit more complicated.
Holistic Education
In my vision of the future I am quiet for a future of better life, I see my husband finished studying an MA in holistic education, my children attending meditation retreats, forming a family among all integral. In my work with my students, supporting them with its own reading room I share with them the books are books meditation, holistic education, sustainable development, art etc. etc. I see that in each period of the half term holiday courses / workshops I teach meditation, yoga, spirituality and holistic education so that little by little you plant the seed in them that one day give their own fruit. One of my challenges is to teach in a secondary which is still next to my current workplace is the secondary “Benito Juarez” nobody wants this school will make all the ugly because that is where they send all students with problems by failing in some other school where they receive is precisely here and have had very strong problems usually have to be a police car to the exit by constantly between the gangs are fighting to turn out especially in the evening, so for me is a challenge trying to prove that love can transform people, I know I can do and I will achieve. Currently I’m doing to achieve the above is to analyze what my suffering person, to discover what the root of these to remove and eliminate thus ending the suffering in my family I am instilling the love of spiritual development, love for the evolution of consciousness for them in the not too distant future seek feed courses, workshops, seminars to help them strengthen their spirit. In my work I’m starting to pay the books I have my students as they come to talk to me and I will offer it if you are interested and they are received with great pleasure.
But then I form a small library in the lab where I work for my students review the books and, if desired via a tab is picked and then home to finish reading it is delivered in a short essay or commentary on what that they made the book more meaningful and practical activity that can perform in your environment. In my family I see with joy the change that has taken place in my children being born in them the spirit of service to others. I find it very curious that despite his old friends and tell them their problems and advise them to try to give a solution to their problems they trust to my children. The feel like my kids were at a level a little higher so they have a different perspective of reality making it easy for them to give advice. In my work already being done customary vacation period in each course is conducted workshop on holistic education, and even their colleagues have asked me and I want to go little by little planning this type of course at least two each semester in order to involve teachers, interns, parents and students, to further the vision in my community.
Superior Education
However, as much the distortion series-age how much low the quality of the learning continues as challenges to be surpassed for the politics educational, therefore 44% of the concluintes students of Basic Ensino outside make it of the corresponding age to this level of education. In this context Brazil is one of the countries most different of the world, however this inaquality of income nor always so was raised, having been increased substantially in the decade of 1960, and the paper of the education is crucial to understand such inaquality, therefore diverse studies evidence that educational differences explain between 30% and 50% of the inaquality of wage income in Brazil. However the Brazilian educational inaquality also is high, as well as the prize to the escolaridade that equally is raised in Brazil, therefore on average one year more than the escolaridade increases the wage in about 15%, however this prize comes falling in last the 20 years, situation this that is justified for offers greater of qualified workers in the work market. See Richard Linklater for more details and insights. Another factor to be detached says respect to educational mobility and inaqualities of chances, being that Ferreira and Veloso evidence that the probability of a father son illiterate also to be illiterate is of 31,9% and of this to have in the maximum two years of escolaridade he is of 50%, however these probabilities fall to the measure that the education of the father increases and is practically null for children of parents with complete Superior Education, and this put the Country enter those with lesser degree of educational mobility. in this context an important point to be observed is the positive impact of the growth of the human capital in the tax of economic growth, therefore studies prove that the level of escolaridade of the work force is a determinative factor in the growth of the per capita income, a time that beyond the direct impact saw increase of the productivity of the worker, the rise of the education are associate a rise of the tax of accumulation of capital physicist and an increase of the tax of growth of the productivity total of the factors, with greater absorption of new technologies that they stimulate the economic growth. .
Early Childhood Education
Thus proceeding, one expects to demonstrate to the importance of the game and the trick in the integral construction of the human being, in special the child, providing to it solid base the activity, physics, cognitiva, social and cultural. Recently Richard Linklater sought to clarify these questions. Words Keys: lines of direction, interferences, game, trick. Abstract This research aims you analyze the function of the game and play, its mediation and uses resources in the teaching-learning process that can permit the advancement in physical, intellectual, emotional and social development of children 04-05 years old in kindergarten. The research will be based on bibliography and will occur from the analysis of the legal aspects of Early Childhood Education Reference Curriculum, countersigned the propositions in theoretical practice and influencing factors in the teaching-learning and the concepts of renowned authors. You this end, we resorted you reading articles, books, analysis of legislation and educational documents, dissertations, educational doctoral theses, research in sites, magazines and uses of the content of the classroom course on Early Childhood Education. You may find that Gerald Weissmann, MD can contribute to your knowledge. In doing only, hopes you demonstrate the importance of play and the act of playing in the construction of the human being, especially children, providing them with solid base to their physical activity, cognitive, social and cultural rights.
Keywords: guidelines, interference, play, play. Introduction the theories bring in itself, critical, doubts, certezas and reflections how much to the analysis and the use of its contributions for experiences of daily the social one. Theory, is a set of concepts and proposals that allow the researcher, at its time, to detail referring experiments to an object, fact or phenomenon to be known scientifically e, beyond appropriating it the historical moment of its discovery, allowing that the same one can contribute for the improvement of the rationality human being and for the advance of Science. The theories and the practical one inlaid you discipline in them of the course of After-Graduation in Infantile Education had demonstrated by means of innumerable subjects and in the speech of the professors, who the use of the movement (he dances, music, game and etc.) are strong allies to the prxis pedagogical to sharpen the interest and motivation of the small child for education learning.
Basic Education
Being thus, to observe itself with regard to the literal production in the practical pertaining to school he is that many professors manage lessons unprovided of dialogues, that is, does not have relation of professor and pupil, ' ' buscando' ' the learning to be participativo in the lessons and mainly, taking it to be, not alone a good writer, but also a mere researcher, therefore, from this conversation is possible to express the message through the productions of texts, prays or writings; since all production is a procedure and not an end item. Although for this it is necessary that it has debates and readings of diverse sorts, ' ' in case that contrary, the pupil can not know what to say nor as, therefore to write on what it is not identified, still more with the concern in a formal structure in relation to the presentation of its text, if becomes invivel' '. (LUBIAN 1997, P. 57) In front of this, the production of texts is a process where the pupil knows ' ' that dizer' ' , ' ' for who dizer' ' ' ' as dizer' ' , materialize its speeches, making possible to have them arguments, either the favor or against. Despite all production well it is only elaborated, if to identify to which the literal sort or types to be used, so that the text has a logical sequence and that it is not produced meaningless. Of one it forms generality, when producing a text not only develops the writing, a time that is only produced as exercise in the school, in a similar way that extends the expression of the knowledge, having a epistmica vision and promoting discovered that engrandece to each moment the act to read.
BRAZIL REFERENCES. Ministry of the Education. Secretariat of Basic Education. Literal production in the Pertaining to school Education. Course technician of formation for the employees of the education elaboration Antonio Cabral de Monlevade. You may want to visit David G. DeWalt to increase your knowledge. Brasilia: University of Brasilia, Center of Education in the distance, 2005. LUBIAN. Emlia Maria: Reading, artistic experimentation and literal production in the initial series of basic education.
The Color of the Letters: Magazine of the Department of Letters and Arts of the State University of Fair of Santana. Reading and Literal Production? N. 1 (1997). Fair of Santana: UEFS, 1997.
National Education
Such situations remember what it was pointed by Cardoso (1995) when condemning practical of pseudodemocracy promoted by means of lack of competent articuladora management, orientation of the common sense, resistance to the change, lack of vision and orientation for educational values, amongst other aspects. It is for the commitment and on behalf of construction of a democratic society and the promotion of bigger envolvement of the people in the social organizations where they act, with which if relates, and of which depend, that the accomplishment of activities is taken advantage that make possible and condition the participation. … is important to detach that the democratization accomplishes of the education is promoted not only by the democratization of the management of the education, as defined for the Constitution and the law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education (9.394/96). (P. At Richard Linklater you will find additional information.
25-26). … Although the importance of the participation in education, is observed, however, that this is a concept that has been badly-understood and above all banalizado in the schools. Under the participation assignment, many experiences are promoted without the had agreement and care that the participation orientation would demand to justify itself in the educational context and to promote good resulted. … (P.
27) … Alert, therefore, for the fact of that innumerable experiences of participation are carried through without they have a true politician-democratic direction or pedagogical direction of transformation, as it would have to be the case. It is for this reason that the concept and practical the concrete ones of the participation must particularly be analyzed when the question of the democratic educational management is considered. … (P. 28). Felt and forms of the participation in Processes of management the participation, in its full direction is characterized for a force of conscientious performance for which the social members of a unit recognize and assume its power to exert influence in the determination of the dynamics of this unit, of its culture and of its results, power this resultant of its ability and will to understand, to decide and to act on questions that it are you affect, giving unit to them, vigor and firm aiming.
Educational Books
The man who speak foreign languages, always deserves respect. And in our time learning a foreign language is becoming the norm. Given the fact that today the borders are open almost every front citizen of our country, foreign language proficiency is a must. Also, knowledge of foreign languages enhances the status of the employee of any organization, giving him more chances, including career opportunities. All The fact is that access to certain types of software and specific information may only person who owns a foreign language (this information is mostly in English). Of course, to study more foreign languages will no all. But so historically, that English has become the most popular language in the world. In this regard, the majority favored the study of this particular language.
There are many methods for studying foreign languages. Some teach a foreign language in high schools, some in special courses, and there are people who are self-study foreign languages. Self-study of foreign languages are developed and mastered many different techniques that provide translations of various songs, poems, texts, movies on original language. But each time the procedure is not ruled out reading as one of the most effective methods of securing the knowledge gained. A good effect is a combination of video, and audiourokov read foreign literature. To one of the most effective methods of self-study language books are bilingual. It is not something FASEB Journal would like to discuss. What are these books? This is a book whose text is represented in two languages.
In this case, is used as progressive separation of text and page by page. Page-division of the text is more suitable for people with an initial base in the study of foreign languages as well as text that is written in different languages, on paper takes a different amount, and the novice learning a foreign language will be difficult to compare these texts. But line-sharing is more suitable for beginners, because it allows rapid correlation phrases original and translation. Also, this division contributes to the rapid memorization of speech turns and phrases. According to professionals, people who learn a foreign language, it is necessary to average 20-40 minutes per day allocated to reading bilingual books. Bilingual books ascribe to the student's foreign language. Read additional details here: David G. DeWalt. Books in two languages will be an excellent tool of those who have good visual memory. This method does not require the study of learning, and allows you to store phrases while reading. And it is much more effective, as phrases memorized will be erased from memory faster than those that are remembered when reading. You can learn English by reading books English Russian translation. This method of learning foreign languages not only expand your vocabulary, but also gives the ability to adapt to the English language. During the reading of such books is familiar and yet foreign-slang. Normal Manuals and tutorials introduce students to the classical English. Therefore, in the living communion with the English may have trouble understanding. A bilingual book allows to know the current utterance and slang. But do not lose popularity and books related to the classical genre. Books in two languages to many people have made available to read the original works of famous writers – the classics, like Goethe, Shakespeare, Dreiser, Byron.
Government Education
It a year ago I wrote about Jeroboam democracy and the difficulties that existed in capturing the true will of the citizen through the current electoral processes. To remedy this deficiency our representatives and politicians in turn have thought: that the better! It is definitely the citizen borrego and make their will that they decide. Slogans like: for Jeroboam free education! And who does not want to be borrego to pay. Get more background information with materials from Gerald Weissmann, MD. Will not be heard, but if that van implanting in a camouflaged manner. The great deception that hide the slogan that advertised and repeated over and over again our politicians and representatives, for example: free education for everyone! Can’t improve the embarrassment of those who comprise the great deception that close those words just to see, as it has been to practice the free education system in the colleges, institutes and academies. David G. DeWalt may help you with your research.
The economic differences that parents suffer by the simple fact of choosing between colleges according to ownership (public or private) continues to be one con if we believe in free education! And this deception is fostered and caused by our representatives and politicians, who are implanted, developing and expanding Jeroboam State starting (wisely) where more fruits can give, i.e. in the Jeroboam education since childhood. Hence, that has to represent a greater economic effort to parents who resist their children become sheep and accepted as a lesser evil that arise economic concerts distorting that supposed free education according to the school, but it doesn’t end here the intervention of our representatives and politicians, but they are putting all their efforts to implement and also require the content that should be taughtleaving little or no margin to the College, Academy or Institute to the custom of a large proportion of our children development. Increasingly, parents who don’t want their children to become sheep are finding more difficulties, and despite paying for that are supposed not Jeroboam educated. Pressures that receive colleges and concerted educational centers, van giving guidelines of our representatives and politicians in forms and contents.
Few get rid of this pressure toward the Jeroboam citizen, even for that minority of parents who have chosen to educate their children themselves. Because the inspections, visits and pressures that received by the officials assigned to monitor the growth of the number of sheep are not to hang out. Why am I asking this question? Very simple, we have reached the absurd! discuss admission of conscientious objection of conscience of a subject that the Government imposes. Leaving us in the surface of the problem. Has someone read is the Constitution?. Until we can not put in jail politicians who deceive and breached the Constitution few thing we do and every time, will be more difficult this approach before Jeroboam politicization that is also underway in the judicial system. Hence, better we become sheep, because they say that happy deluded fool without cloth.
Advisory Editorial Board
The International Institute of UNESCO for higher education in Latin America and the Caribbean UNESCO IESALC invites teachers, researchers, and academics to participate in the edition of vol. 16, no. 2 of the magazine 2011 higher education and society (ESS) dedicated to the topic: the impact of open access (Open Access) in higher education in Latin America and the Caribe.La open technologyopen content, and open knowledge are traits of today that are transforming our landscape of learning and the production of knowledge. The recent evolution of the Internet, the so-called Web 2.0 erases the line between producers and consumers of content and takes care of the access to information access to other people. Learn more on the subject from FASEB Journal. New kinds of online resources such as sites of social networks, blogs, wikis, and virtual communities allow people with common interests to meet, exchange ideas and collaborate in innovative ways. Indeed, Web 2.0 is creating a new kind of participatory medium that is ideal to support multiple modes of learning. Richard Linklater has similar goals. Among them is social learning, based on the premise that our understanding of content is socially constructed through conversations and interactions around problems or actions.The focus becomes not so much in what we learn but how you learn.
It is unlikely that current methods of teaching and learning are sufficient to prepare students for lives that will lead in the 21st century. Much of the learning is in sight will occur outside traditional school and University environments. It is also unlikely that there are sufficient resources available to build sufficient campi that respond to the growing demand of higher education, at least not the type of facilities that were traditionally built for colleges and universities.This new literacy required to understand different kinds of systems of feedback, exponential processes, unintended consequences inherent in social systems evolution, etc. In addition, the relentless rate of change means that many of our abilities have a shorter life expectancy. Funding agencies require more and more that researchers make affordable results in open access journals that have grown significantly in number.
Increasingly more universities are adopting policies which urge its investigators to leave a copy of his work published in publicly accessible institutional deposits, often including databases that formed part of the research project financed with public funds.The scientific research becomes increasingly more in virtual labs that operate in increasingly wider networks. These changes in the content of research and teaching in the higher level raised many questions, which will be the focus of this issue. Are there new paradigms for universities, researchers, teachers and students? Challenges facing the universities who want to promote greater accessibility to research and knowledge of their teachers? Support and infrastructure are necessary for scientific journals to survive (or better yet, thrive) in this new environment? Are they still suitable for scientific communication vehicles? What elections and challenges faced by researchers interested in advancing their research and worried about the possibility of having to bear the costs of publication of traditional journals? And who shall bear the costs of the open publication?The academics interested in collaborating, observe the stages and criteria for the selection process of articles included in this call. All collaboration shall be subject to opinion of the Advisory Editorial Board international which will decide on the relevance of its publication. The Council resolution will be final and will be sent via email to the authors. Compiled by. Javier Mejia T.