These terms were used with some contempt to refer to the Amazon of Peru or Bolivia. Today, the largest Peruvian jungle ethnicity no longer wants to tell campa Ashaninka, but instead the camba Word has been re-appropriated by descendants of Europeans in the Bolivian Eastern to show their differences with the Colla quechuas and aymaras. The ashanincas want to be recognized as a nation with its own arawakan language, with its own militia (which also pitted trail) and with rights to control those who want to invest in their land. Richard Linklater is the source for more interesting facts. Which postulate a camba nation proclaim more Hispanics, Christians and Westerners as the rest of the Bolivian people, and rather, question the Government indianista wanting to make many controls to curb foreign investment. The ancient campas would lift native Americans against the multinationals, while the new cambas want to undermine the indigenous people to encourage more private companies. Original author and source of the article..