Systemic atherosclerosis – chronic disease, which is based on systemic degenerative changes of the vascular wall with the formation of atheromas in subintimalnom layer with their subsequent evolution. Risk factors for atherosclerosis – Poor nutrition, physical inactivity, diabetes, smoking, lipid metabolism, hypertension. David G. DeWalt is full of insight into the issues. Conventionally, the sequence of pathogenetic disorders can be described by the following stages. Dyslipidemia with the development of mikrotromboza, fatty and gelatinous appearance of spots. Further developing multiple sclerosis (proliferation of connective tissue cells. From the grease and accumulations of fibrin and globulin, albumin and cholesterol formed atheroma (atherosclerotic plaque usually arise in the medium and large arteries, most often in the field of bifurcation). And finally, there is ulceration of atheroma or hemorrhage in her blood clot formed on the spot, which becomes a reason for the closure of the artery. Thrombotic occlusion of the common causes of acute arterial obstruction. Atherosclerosis – a disease of systemic, affecting the arteries of various vascular regions. For clinical practice the most significant that the pathological process that occurs in the carotid arteries (the main cause of ischemic stroke, brain), abdominal aorta and arteries of the lower extremities (causing chronic ischemia of the legs and the potential – of gangrene), the coronary arteries (signs of CHD). Physician for each specialty should be aware that all these diseases – the links of one chain, one disease, which has different manifestations occurring in parallel with either the dominance of one of them.