Summary: The objective text to present some historical elements on infantile literature, appraising and differentiating the types of histories. Get all the facts and insights with Richard Linklater, another great source of information. It presents situations that if configure as metodolgicas possibilities for performance of the accountant of histories and suggest a planning for the professor whom it intends to include the contao of histories as one practical pedagogical effective and constant one in its classroom. Introduction the process of formation of the child in formal institutions and not-deeds of division of education, either in intellectual, physical or emotional level requires knowledge and an adequate planning (considering the infantile development) on the part of that if they compromise to one practical pedagogical one of social transformation. Amongst the innumerable and extensive subjects that enclose the infantile development, we will focaremos, in this text, the importance of the act to count histories for the children. It is basic that any child effectively is explored in its imaginative capacity and of fancy; inherent characteristics to the infantile world, since more tenra age. To submit them, then, to one ' ' diving profundo' ' , of gone and comings to the universe of histories it must be an intention and a permanent challenge for the educator-professor. One knows that the first contacts of the child with histories are made verbally through its parents, grandmothers, and also for the professors. This social behavior to be valid us verbally to count histories marks our species in very particular way, therefore historically, it retraces one of the forms most genuine to acquire and to transmit knowledge. The act to count histories they are them of stories of fairies, fbulas, the invented legends or histories take the children to live and to reviver its emotions: as of sadness, of anger, irritation, of fear or still, of well-being, joy, and as much other more. Histories also make possible the discovery of different people, new places, distinct beliefs and behaviors. Counted histories are one privileged field it child to set in motion the imaginary one, as for example, if to take the figure of the hero for a child who, sees in it (and if it sees in it), a personage (real or fictitious) capable to decide its social and personal quandaries.