Since the time of the discovery of Brazil that the public power, by means of normative instruments, intervines in the education with the objective to unify its objectives the national level. The young and the adults who for some reason did not frequentaram the school in its appropriate ages, are cited concerns permanent in the alfabetizadoras campaigns between 1947 and 1967, for example. Beyond these attempts, they are observed in LDBs 5692 and 9394 of 1971 and 1996 respectively private spaces to this modality of education, dedicated to normatizar it each time more. However, a country as Brazil, dived in problems social politicians and, could not leave to generate the necessity of jobs, also and mainly for this classroom of citizens. E, is there, that they become diligent pupils.

That is, they study at night in the EJA and during the day they fulfill a work load horria, most of the time, desgastante, physics and psychologically speaking. The result of these two days (work and study) could not to be different: failure pertaining to school, since in its majority, when they are found evolvidos in difficulties to fulfill to this or that task, they finish prioritizing the work and, therefore, increasing the tax of pertaining to school evasion of the EJA. The four pillars of the education for century XXI, generated for the proposal educative of Jacques Delors, are presented as a transforming alternative referenciada by Pablo Renato Souza, Minister of State of the Education and the Sport in the government of Fernando Enrique Cardoso. The interventions of the public power in the life of the diligent pupil of the EJA the difference of social classrooms is historical and belongs to the nature of the man. It is characterized for establishing inaqualities and exclusions between groups of individuals for diverse aspects, among them, are distinguished: the religious one, the economic one, the politician, ethnic and the cultural one.