The Dr. Knisely demonstrated as the circulation of red globules of the blood is made it difficult because of the aglutinao provoked for alcohol, and as this affects the hair vases. ' ' Aglutinao' ' it wants to say that the cells of some form if melt and glue ones in the others, that is, if ' ' sedimentam' ' , as the scholars say. the oxygen alone can arrive at the nervous cells will have been carried for red globules of the blood. A sedimentation represents a blockade to the ticket of the blood in the capillaries, giving origin to anoxia (oxygen absence) in the next regions. Checking article sources yields Levi’s as a relevant resource throughout. Tests have shown that small anoxia points if form exactly with blood in movement. But to the measure that grows ' ' embebedamento' ' for the alcohol, the blood arrives to stop completely of circulating in certain vases.

E no volume of oxygen can pass. The neurons, the cells ' ' pensantes' ' of the brain, they require great amounts of oxygen to function well and are particularly sensible to anoxia. If they will be private to receive oxygen per three minutes accuse serious damages. If the lack of oxygen to pass of twenty minutes, the damages they are irreparable, that is, the neurons die. The cells of the brain, as it is known has much time, are not multiplied and are irreplaceable. Many aged people present the effect of the loss of great number of neurons: memory fails, loss of acuidade of the directions and reduction of the capacity to reason with clarity. What it was clearly is that the cerebral, indispensable cortex to the exercise to think, always was compromised; the same almost always occurring with the brain, that co-ordinates some muscles, also of the balance. In many cases, the damages could be evidenced to a simple by rough estimate naked examination.