It is well known that increasing power over nature, a man once fancied himself the undivided lord of the Earth, and immediately began to exploit it, ignoring the fact that its size and biophysical resources is quite finite. Military conflicts, accompanied by primeneneiem military technology and weapons of mass destruction, began to lead to disasters. It is now understood as the fact that as a result of uncontrolled human activities severely suffered once generous and abundant biological life of the planet, partly destroyed her best soil, and valuable agricultural land is increasingly built up and covered with asphalt and concrete roads that are already fully used many of the most easily accessible mineral wealth, which causes human pollution can now be found virtually everywhere, even at the poles and at the bottom of the ocean, and now what the consequences are reflected even in the climate and other physical characteristics of the planet. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Levi’s. Of course, all this is deeply disturbing, but we do not know the extent to which in this case violated the balance and upset the cycles necessary for the evolution of life in general; how much do we already have caused irreversible changes and which of them can affect our own lives, now or in the future is unknown and, in some stocks of essential non-renewable resources, can we realistically expect much renewable resources and under what conditions we can safely use. Since the "carrying capacity" of the Earth is clearly not unlimited, it is obvious there are some biophysical limits, or "outer limits" to expansion not only of human activity, but in general the presence of man on the planet. Now the need for reliable scientific knowledge about these very limits of the conditions under which we can approach them and consequences of their violation is becoming more acute, because there is reason to fear that in some areas beyond the limits have been reached and, subsequently, may begin the struggle for human existence, which will be accompanied by the use of various weapons. The goal, which put forward should be focused not only on the fact that to reconstruct the general form of the problem, but also to grasp some of its most important components in order to people knew that he could and what he should do, using nature to their advantage, if he wants to live with her in harmony.