The analysis of data was divides in two parts: the analysis of the interviews and the documentary analysis. REVISION OF LITERATURE? Definition of PNEE (Carrying of Educational Necessities Special) To speech in inclusion of special carriers of educational necessities in the regular net of education, me seems pertinent to call of clear form, to who is mentioning, thus providing to one better agreement in relation my research. According to Almeida (apud MANTOAN 2006) the carrier of special educational necessities, ' ' He is educating that he presents in permanent or temporary character, some type of physical, sensorial, cognitiva, multiple deficiency, typical behaviors or high abilities, needing therefore, of specialized resources to develop fully its potential and/or to surpass or to minimize its dificuldades' '. This definition explains of clear form that the PNEEs is not only the ones that presents physical or sensorial deficiency as many think, also enclosing people with high abilities, as the superendowed ones. So that she is clearer the difference of these concepts, Almeida (apud MANTOAN 2006) defines the person carrier of deficiency of the following form: She is that one that presents, in comparison with the majority of the people, significant physical, sensorial or intellectual, decurrent differences of innate or acquired factors, of permanent character, that difficulties cause its interaction with the social environment and. The education is a human question of law, and the individuals with deficiencies must be part of the schools, which must modify its functioning to include all the pupils. This is the message that clearly was transmitted by the World-wide Conference of 1994, of UNESCO, on Educational Necessities Special. When to approach this subject not we can to forget character social education, that in such a way exerts the inclusive paper how much of exclusion, this tenuous linking if of had to the requirements and the transformations of the society, in function of the process of globalization, that brings the necessity of a general formation of the pupil, similar of that it is prepared not only to decide problems and yes to understand the society which it belongs.