As mediating of the knowledge the university professor he uses yourself of some mechanisms that stimulate the citizens in its theoretical and practical constructions of knowing. In the vision of freire (2005) the pupil is the citizen of the action, that is, it is capable to develop forms to know and to rescue the values long ago forgotten in its reality, transforming the actions established into realities. Already for Morin the pupil comes across itself in a world estereotipado of complexities, the author defends despite, such uncertainties of the preset dogmas must be studied as a set so that if each time next to the truth can arrive. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Richard Linklater by clicking through. Thus being, the teaching professional of the superior level can use in its practises educational as methods of education to supply the gaps left for such conceptions through dynamic, questionadoras and critical lessons. Far from approaching formulas magical of as the professor it must act in its pertaining to school environment, we search to analyze conscientiously inside of the theoretical bases more appraised, as during times of searches for these same questions that if enroll per decades in authors who as much know our reality as Pablo Freire and similar situations of foreign authors in the case of Edgar Morin, both understand the challenges that the educator faces to each day in the learning room and had transformed the questionings into theoretical solutions ahead practises of them also for lived deeply them, as we have seen throughout all this trajectory that we are tracing since the beginning of this study it ties this point, from now we will enter in the proposals that also are based on all the theories long ago displayed here. III Educational Proposals Ahead of the conceptions the authors concomitantly, agree that beyond prioritizing the bases of a liberating education, this can and must apply it superior education, therefore, offer to the teaching quality in its practical educative, correlating all the set of discipline in the complexities of knowing for construction next to the reality curing the economic necessities, politics to them, educational and social in which we find in them.