Axe of Assis is an extremely didactic example of reading education. For it you can learn to not only read the book in itself, but some commentaries and notice contained in the book and children who possess the access the Axe of Assis progress much more and the country that tends economically and socially to grow makes it of time with the injection of people scholars. But the Brazilian schools (and in this in case that public, but also particular and particular on ones religious institutions) are not imported in letrar, but in alfabetizar its pupils. A time alfabetizados, that is, a time it having capacity to read, or being apt for such it is played in second degrees that useless and very little contents pour usable in the life and learn the magical way of the copies, the sites and, mainly, of control c and control v and seems that in a magician pass who would have as second step to read definitively has the brecado process on account of a pedagogia that not pedagogical in some schools. It is a situation lamentable and alarming, but comprovvel in any plan of lesson (when they exist), in any college and even though college.
The people become more shes-ass (in the direction pointed for Professor Ghiraldelli Jr In one of the final aforismos of the text of Horkheimer Adornment on the burrice as fixidez, stop, to park) in the measure where they gain degrees in the coasts because they are incapable to leave its perches and to sing of rooster in another clientele. great part of this exactly must nobody nor to teach and others not to learn (as if it learns without education). The degree of comprometimento of the reading in Brazil is so great that many people, in relation to the Politics, at least know what is if to locate in a place of center-left or social democracy.