The proposal donates to Jose Auri Wedge, in the cited text presents many positive points, which can be applied and be adapted for that they deal with the education infantile. This argues that the subjects to be worked in the Infantile Education or classroom must leave of what the child already lived deeply as the narrative of certain servile story for of a knowledge generating another new knowledge to be acquired by the child. There it appears to the generating words words with real direction for the child having to be related with the objectives of the subjects considered for each level, being able to take the reflection philosophical in the pertaining to school environment. The words appeared from the generating words must be argued and be dialogued. This will be made thus the conversation extends and stimulates the thought, for such the thematic one must be estimulador and ample.

I agree when the author says that the professor (a) must prioritize subjects that create possibilities of the pupils to be reflecting on what they are studying or what he is taught to them. Still the author argues that to be to work with generating words he is necessary to choose subjects that on with the thematic ones are developed in it elapses of the school year if not losing of sight the specific objectives of each subject. In the Infantile Education the subjects are worked in way that the child develops reflective acts as the discovery of the pleasant sensations, friendship, the libertarian courage-pulso and the difference it democratic pulso. I believe that the adequate choice of subjects for the philosophical conversation is of great importance for all those that work in the infantile education and education in general way. We have that to relate definitive knowledge with the reality, with the knowledge that pupil possesss to break the child from there can is developing its knowledge of coherent and conscientious form.