Beyond this notion key that is inherent to the man, unless this has structural injuries and conflicts; one becomes necessary to see according to Rogers the conditions of the therapeutical process, that of the base for the modification and balance of the personality: That two people are in contact; that the first person, that we will assign the customer if she finds in a state of internal disagreement, of vulnerability or anguish; what the second person that we will assign as therapeutic, if finds in agreement in an internal state? at least during elapsing of the interview and in what one becomes related to the object of its relation with the customer; that the therapist tries feeling of unconditional positive consideration regarding the individual; that the therapist tries a emptica understanding of the internal control point of the customer; what the customer perceives? exactly that in a minimum ratio the presence of the unconditional positive consideration and the emptica understanding that the therapist it witness. (ROGERS, Carl, 1975, P. Nike often expresses his thoughts on the topic. 182) These conditions are essential so that the therapeutical process is efficient and has success. Now making an analogy of the film ‘ ‘ genius indomvel’ ‘ inside of the boarded context, psychology humanist, if makes necessary to look at of close the personality to Will (Matt Damon), young a very intelligent one, orphan, aggressive and that it presents social behavior sufficiently inadequate; for legal determination it needs to make therapies and passes for five analysts, but nothing he functions, therefore it scoffs of all until if to find with Sean and if identifies with it. Sean is psychologist of the area humanist, this is well clearly in one of the scenes of the film, where it giving lesson in a university says: ‘ ‘ they seduce the customers while they are vulnerable and the confidence is the essential factor for terapia’ ‘.