The integrated program of formation of the research competence of the students intended to include the contents of the laboratory work additional research tasks aimed at: strengthening the research nature of the work, promoting research abilities of students, focused practice application of knowledge. In this theoretical information on how to conduct research students reported directly to the laboratory and practical classes, where it was possible to clearly demonstrate the features and stages of the case studies. The program of formation of research students Military Institute suggests a gradual complication of rate to the rate of the studied methods of activation and stimulation of the search for solving creative problems, conduct research. This complication is achieved through the use of complicating conditions. In particular, the teacher methods such as the method of time constraints, based on the view of the substantial influence of temporary factors on mental activity, the method of sudden prohibition, which is based on the prohibition of students used in their constructions any mechanism, the method of new options based on the requirement for students to solve a problem in another way, the method of information failure, based on the fact that the condition of the problem is the bulk of the data needed to address, method of information glut, of including in the original condition of the problem obviously unnecessary information. At every stage of the control activities are usually carried out comparing the goals and results of 9, 10. Control over the research activities of students from the teacher and self-created conditions for the formation feedback, which provides for the regulation of research student, changes in the forms, methods and means of organization.