However, its application on this work consisted, in the assistance of lessons in two groups, in the Intermediate school Ours Mrs. of Ftima in order to survey the degree of exploration and transmission of ambient contents in headquarters of manipulation of transversal subjects during the lessons of Biology. 1.6.3.Tcnica of Interview According to Universal Dictionary of Portuguese Language (1999), Interview, ' ' it is conference enters two people in place and hour anticipatedly agreed, or are a colloquy efectuada between two or more interlocutors, in order to get one definitive informao' '. This method, was used to interview professors and pupils, in order to get information related with the degree of depth of interaco and agreement on subjects related with the conservation of the environment. 1.7.Delimitao of the Subject This work is fit in the line of research and scientific inquiry. It focuses its study on ' ' Not capitalizaton of the lessons of biology for the practical one of the Ambient Educao in the Intermediate school of the Estoril in the Beira' ' , as sustentation in the elaboration of the report for the conclusion of the acadmico degree of baccalaureate in Ensino de Biologia for the Pedagogical University. theoretical 1.8.Fundamentao As DAYS (2003) the evolution of the concepts of Ambient Education directly was related to the evolution of the environment concept and to the way as this perceived age. As the concept of environment was reduced exclusively its natural aspects, it did not allow to appreciate the interdependences nor the contribution of social sciences and others to the understanding and improvement of the human environment. With passing of the time, but necessarily in the Conference of Tbilisi, the Georgia, in 1977, the Ambient Education was defined as a dimension given to the content and the practical one of the education, guided for the resolution of the concrete problems of the environment, through an approach to interdisciplinar and of an active and responsible participation of each individual and of the colectividade (UNESCO, 1980).