If you think about how often we have something to celebrate, writes greetings and gifts to buy, there can be a persistent belief that our life consists entirely of holidays. Well, or is saturated with them, as sweet, juicy, incredibly delicious piece of birthday cake. In an incredible pace of modern life the days pass swiftly and irrevocably. And only dispassionate "reminder" phone and the desktop does not divide. Native, friends, colleagues, associates and competitors! For each need to find a unique greeting for the holiday. And if close congratulations on the birthday as a matter of starts in the mind, here with colleagues and competitors all The situation is usually as much more complicated. Life puts its priorities. Often, we have to live with people with whom in other circumstances, we certainly have to spend time there.
But, for them a holiday want to make a solemn day greetings in verse, which will create a special atmosphere and mood. For formal parties can become the lifeline of speech – short, but comprehensive, lively, and forcing think about. What could be more concise, yet complete and completion? Of course, we all have a number of years ago in school, read the classics, and not by hearsay know about silver and gold century Russian poetry. But how also painfully often given to us congratulations! Indeed, it is difficult to think of compliments for the wedding, when he recently divorced, although we sincerely wish the young immeasurable happiness. But you never know these situations! Sometimes, simply want to be in the focus of an entire company, flashing expressive and neizbitym toast. That is why even irreconcilable skeptics at least once in their lives come to the site of poems in search of unconventional rhymes, and use the service congratulations to order.