Many preschoolers know not all the numbers, and call or ‘learn’ are just some of them. The kids are confused and figure number, the numbers and letters mixed up the numbers together: 2 and 5, 3, 5, 9 and 6, 1 and 4, 2 and 7, and others often violate the consistency between the neighboring figures from the series. Certain difficulties arise in some children, when the result of the account must be designated by a figure or a figure to correlate with the required number of subjects. The following training and game situations will help you solve these problems. Have your child lay out the numbers of dots, rods, cubes, geometric design of the details. You can cut the numbers of velvet or plain paper, old newspapers or magazines, oilcloth, fabric and glue them.
Figures are available in the form of bulk pieces (“molds”), cards, where the contours of the figures may be convex or, conversely, marked grooves, rough or smooth numbers signs pasted on the rough paper (by Maria Montessori), etc. Children examine and solve the figure to the touch. We consider the figures, made of different materials: paper, fabric, cardboard, oilcloth, with different sizes and colors of different skills (written and printed), etc. You can also find out who knows what numbers are and where they saw. Children do any movement as many times as “shows” the card with the number held by the presenter.
In this case, children may assume aloud with an adult or herself. Can complicate the task: the movement must be performed on 1, 2, and so once more or less than “said” figure. Instead of cards with numbers (or mixed with them) you can use cards with the images on these objects (in a row in a circle or another location) or the so-called “numerical” figures. It is proposed contour image for shading or coloring or stencils outlined with numbers and subsequent coloring or shading making figures turn into funny shapes. Adult finger paints the figure in the air, and the child guesses it. Shown two cards: one depicted the figures on the other various items, the child must determine whether the image numbers on one card number of circles, dots, triangles or other objects on the card. The child should be called objects, which are similar figures.