From A like archiving to Z like ZUGFeRD Bonn, 14 August 2013. For the first time, the lectures of the VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V. as VOI Academy at the DMS EXPO with top-class presentations directly to the trade fair stand in Hall 5, D51 presents itself. With the VOI Academy distinguishes itself from other presentation platforms: the speakers podium stands close to the audience. Instead of one-sided monologues, visitors in the presentations are included and can direct questions or participate in discussions. The DMS EXPO will take place this year from September 24 to 26 at the Stuttgart Exhibition Centre. Waiting for the program of the VOI Academy to the DMS EXPO with an extremely diverse programme: classical topics such as archiving to optical storage media, de-mail, digital file management, processing, E-invoicing, signature trends are also on the agenda as mobile ECM, time tracking, enterprise search, effective office management in the era of Home Office, Facebook and Smartphones as well as the optimization of signature-based Payment method with signature pads at the POS.
Exciting presentations on the integration of ECM in Microsoft Dynamics and best of breed or integrated ERP module what is the silver bullet for the document management?”, electronic construction file for network connections and network expansion of utilities,” Datenschutzkonforme archiving and Scanservices using revision-secure cloud signatures and time stamps “as well as ZUGFeRD and workflow-based invoice processing practical solutions for SMEs” show that the teachers report the VOI Academy from the practice for the practice. “The views of current topics of information technology are interesting: social business more than Facebook & co.?”, revision-proof long-term backup, eight years of PDF/A best practices, and new applications with PDF/A-3″, document management in the cloud: just hot air or the future?” as well as transition to the SEPA direct debit: making correct use of existing resources and the art of turning unstructured data knowledge to generate”. IT is not always logical people”is also a topic from this year’s program of the VOI Academy, which makes thoughtful and covers the pulse of the time such as the entire program. Our goal is to stimulate dialogue between speakers and participants”, so VOI – Managing Director Peter J. Schmerler. The Forum program is attractive and offers a change of pace.” The VOI Academy takes place on all three days of the fair of the DMS EXPO. More information soon at the VOI Association organisational and information systems e.
V. The VOI voice of information”as independent expertise and network for users, consultants, service providers, and manufacturers of document-based solutions assumes the application-oriented leadership for integrated applications related to document management systems and enterprise-content-management systems involving software, hardware and specific expertise to the creation of highly efficient total solutions for the machining processes in services, trade and Industry as well as public institutions.