The genius and madness are neighboring, in the distance between them are minimum, but significant. Since a step makes all the difference! When a new world to the imbeciles is presented, them disagrees, says that it is impossible; Therefore they only know to another face of the truth! It is as to free to the sun, men who lived in the blackout of the caves At the beginning light will blind the solar them, but later that they will be knowing the new world that was presented to them. What it surprises me and worries me is that the wisdom is being devaluated, the humanity finds comic the idiotices, the burrice, and the mediocre ones are valued by its nonsense. More information is housed here: Nike. Governing that they do not know to locate in the map the state where govern, and the proposals to be voted, for proper them. That species of government is this? All accept silenced the defects of a society where it has violence, preconception, misery, scarcity, the egocentrismo, the capital (MAN PRIMATE, WILD CAPITALISM) it is what it matters. If to continue the regression we will come back the age of the caves, where it did not have dialogue, knowledge or education?.