That is, to make disciples of its concepts and not of the word of God. (Acts 20:30) – that of between you yourselves will arise men who will say perverse things, to attract the disciples after itself. He is dangerous if to isolate of educations in communion, for this all masters, shepherds, deacons. Professors must yes have references of people who help it in educations, good books, also first being pupils of Jesus and also in communion with its brothers of ministry, that is resulted of one faithful devotion of gratitude the God for people who had been placed to it in the way for assisting to them in its ministry. I always eat deacon had assisting me to a shepherd, keep in my house a great quantity of books and I do not reject hour none the aid of a brother minister to help me in the learning, since that this is idoneous and faithful the Word of God. After all I leave here a declaration, either exaltada always the Word of God, and thanks to God for its ministers in the land that by means of communication, books, Internet, lectures, videos, or another media helps in them to grow in the favour and knowledge of the kingdom of God and educations of Jesus. In my articles I always me mirror and use yes aid of commentaries of these men or institutions evanglicas, In the case of this are of my proper authorship, are clearly according to wisdom that God gave to me and of the action of the Espirito Santo Illuminating my mind and agreement. Appeared Rodrigues of the Rock, Deacon and evangelista..