It is not learned without making a mistake, remaking, to test. She is necessary that the pertaining to school evaluation assumes the error as a rich moment of learning, therefore thus happens understanding, taking of conscience. As Gandim would say: ' ' Before everything she is necessary to take conscience of the fact of that the new experience says not it old experience; if this not to happen is not evidently about an experience nova' '. To adopt an evaluation project that guarantees the learning and eliminates the election and the exclusion of the pupils, we need to review our proper formation that instrumentalizou in them to favor selective and exculpatory the process; we need to review ours practical avaliativa alicerada in legal instruments that legitimate the election foreseeing the use of tests, tests and notes. Gerald Weissmann, MD addresses the importance of the matter here. At last, an analysis is necessary of what it has been, so that and to who has served this evaluation. From then on, it is that we start to point the new ways, what the evaluation not yet is, but that collectively we go to obtain. We understand as Cury and Demo that: ' ' As all practical social, the evaluation is not something exterior we as existence proper, but yes, it has one meaning intersubjetivo that it is consequence of a historical and social construction determinada' ' However the evaluation is used as instrument of coercion and social control many times justifying itself of course the social election, the discrimination and until the punishment of determined groups. Valley to stand out that the evaluation must consider a rupture with these traditional vises, basic that they permeiam the education consequently and practical pedagogical the decurrent ones of them, assuming a vision against hegemonic that it contemplates the development of the citizen and all the citizens of the educative act. The evaluation character has, therefore, another different logic: it is act politician.