In 1920 in the text ' ' Beyond the beginning of the Prazer' ' , It identifies it to Freud as permeando the diverse relations of the citizen with the other. The bias of the transference in Freud and its revision in Lacan, the Subject presumption To know, evidence the importance of this topic in the learning process. The acquisition of knowledge depends on the relation of the pupil with its professors and its colleagues, in a reference to the transferencial relation that makes with them, while representative of its parents and brothers.The transference concept assigns the process used for the unconscious desires for, not only in the analytical relation, to repeat infantile the experiences lived, now, as the present time. Sigmund Freud ' ' Some reflections on psychology escolar' ' Where it is the desire of the pupil for knowing? All that we study psychoanalysis we know that Freud affirmed in its three assays that the estruturao of the intellectual activity occurs from the sexual activity. It affirms despite ' ' sexualidade' ' ' ' activity of pensamento' ' they walk together during first infancy and if they define for the relation of the citizen with knowing.
Lacan in the boarding of the desire as search factor, in says that the desire to them it is, a question that searchs reply in the field of the Other, that is, that it makes to invest in the transferencial place of the other. The studies of the psicanalticos concepts show the essential linking enter the desire of the citizen and its level of motivation. We know that the desire comes of a lack, and this lack to produce the desire for knowing is related with the question ' ' of where it comes bebes' '? Freud called epistemoflica pulso and that when inhibited causes the suspension of the cognitivos investments, that in turn provokes the ticket of the desire to know for ' saber' swims;.