I never found a text clarifying the reason, but I find that I discovered half that without wanting. It is that, in 24.08.1941, the quarter of Madureira more specifically, squares it of the School of Portela Samba received the illustrious visit from Walt Disney, who searched inspiration for a new production. It found it E, yes, in the composer Pablo Benjamin de Oliveira, the celebrity Pablo of the Portela. This because, according to Nei Lopes, Pablo it liked to use vane hat and had a profile that it remembered a parrot. Result? Disney created the Carioca Z, that estreou in the Al film, friends, of 1942. (Interesting, the personage was as that a return to one esteretipo of century XVI, when the South America appeared in the maps with name Papagalli the Land) To who to ask if Disney could charge of the twisted tricolor the rights of image of its personage, we answer with Luiz Fernando Vianna: however, they had never paid the rights of image of Pablo In this manner, let us say that they are quit with the quarter of Madureira e, for extension, with the twisted valorosa of the club. OBS.: In archive pdf in annex, photographs of the club, taken off for me in 2010 and 2011. HYMN OF the MADUREIRA (author: Lamartine Babo) Our ideal is to fight To fight for you Madureira Queremos to see your Tremular flag for air thus dear, joined, We will be ten, twenty a thousand, In each Glory that we have, We will give pujana to the sport of Brazil You are Madureira, our castle, our Cathedral, ideal the sun of many years, the tricolores suburban..