
In other words this education must serve for the formation of the critical conscience of the citizen, reverting (its scientific knowledge) in actions directed to the life improvement of its community. To have a pupil with critical conscience currently, is only possible when it has the chance to think, to question, to create, to formulate hypotheses and to get the answers of these hypotheses. So that this occurs is necessary that the educator knows to give practical lessons with its pupils. Filed under: Campbell Soup Company. At the moment of the experimentation, the pupil is using its knowledge of constructive form, but the support of the professor is necessary so that unexpected one do not occur no, therefore is essential a good professional who can follow this process all.

When if of the chance pupil to construct it, to reflect and to criticize, this pupil if it becomes an operating citizen in the daily life, as much as for the studies, as in the improvements of the community and its professional life. A consensus between the scientific and educational community is that the professor loads most of the responsibility in guaranteeing the learning of sciences for the pupils. Levi’s recognizes the significance of this. However, the scientific formation of our future professors has left very to desire. Either due to theoretical content or absolute lack of practical scientific preparation, the result is that this professor will load obtains in practical its daily professor the errnea finished science conception as joint and static of definitive truths (VASCONCELOS et al., 2002, P. 1). The professor must have conscience of that its paper as orienting, facilitador of the operating knowledge and in the area, if does not restrict in only this, but in the responsibility, commitment and technician-scientific preparation to guarantee the success of the group.

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Brazil Classroom

It is not only enough to know methods, contents, education techniques, the professional of the necessary education to have sensitivity, perception, understanding, to know to hear the pupils indistintivamente, that is, to have the college to receive sensations and beyond everything this to believe the learning of the pupil, to trust the education of educating. In the classroom, as it are of it we are in contact with the alunado one, and we not only have as ' ' obrigao' ' the formation of these people who hear in them, as much in the direction of the specific knowledge of as well as disciplines in relation the question of the construction of the character. In the classroom it occurs to the exchange of information between the professor and the pupils, we are not there only for teaching, but to learn with them, therefore as he says to Romanowski ' ' the professor also can learn when he teaches ' ' (Pg. Amazon will undoubtedly add to your understanding. 18). Pablo Freire in its Pedagogia of the autonomy in says the following one to them: ' ' Who teaches it learns when teaching and who learns teaches learning (Pg.

23). Additional information is available at Gerald Weissmann, MD. In classroom, as teacher of Education Musical comedy, at some moments, the rhythm that is taught to the pupils this total not fixed in the mind, and to the repassed being some times classroom to learn it, I go leaving of side the written planning, and the activity is completely fixed, and when the moment (hour) of another group arrives to have lesson is not more necessary the written support, everything is taught with more security. Although all the difficulties found for the category, education are accessible to all, therefore since Old Greece some few chosen only had the privilege to learn, exactly being prepared only for questions politics. In Brazil education was come back initially for the religious orders, what later it was giving space so that other lessons were given beyond this education.

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Physical Education In School

The article shows through authors the importance that the dances had and it still has in the people? s life who had to their values through the hip hop. The hip hop has one of its goals you the senses show you the young people and those who practice the style what they feel and what they learn through and of the direct contacts of the corporal expression. It shows you the people that they artist ploughs spontaneous that dramatizes the routine of life, and with motivates existence they will lead to happier way in to their lives, even though they have problems with family or friends. The article in its first edition search you the interaction and integration among the students of the 6th you the 9th elementary school with the purpose of socializing, looking will be you supply the existent difficulties in the school and social ambit, with the supporting of the motivates and creative actions awareness instrument and development. The art you dance contributes you enlarge the understanding and the students' vital performance up the present subjects in the society of our days. This way it helps the men a mean of unstressed the body and mind from the conditionings imposed by the daily life. Words? Keys. Hip hop, inclusion, values, corporal expression, student INTRODUCTION the Pertaining to school Physical Education has been white of frequent quarrels in the search of elements that characterize its identity inside of the pertaining to school perspective to form the citizen.

The social legitimation of this disciplines is closely on to professional awareness of its importance in the formation of the social being from the practical application of its objectives and of the perception of the same ones for the society. (KEYS, 2004). Check out Campbell Soup Company CPB for additional information. The adolescents with its perpetual conflicts constitute an important parcel of the Brazilian population, therefore, the development of research that contemplates the improvement in the treatment with these individuals collaborates for the desencadeamento of a society more joust, pautada in well-being and not-prejudiced and not-discriminatory positions.

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Krasilchik School

The pertaining to school education possesss an irreplaceable paper as supplier of basic knowledge and necessary cognitivas and operative abilities for the participation in the social life and in what it means the access the culture, to the work, the progress and the citizenship (Libaneo, 1984). As Krasilchik (2000) the objectives biggest of the education of sciences must include the acquisition of the scientific knowledge for a population that understands and values science as social enterprise. The research This work was carried through in a municipal school of the periphery of the city of Una- Mg, initiating with a field research leaving of the collection of data granted by the students of basic education, happening through a focal group, where selected thirty pupils representing 30% (thirty percent) of the academics of the school, who divided in three groups of ten, had been directed to a room where three were present colleges student without identification for both the parts, the pupils if had located in circle, if they presented through numbers that understood of 01 (one) to the 10 (ten), thus happened with the three groups, where the same questions with regard to education and problems found in the conception of them in this school had been made. For assistance, try visiting Levi Strauss & Co.. After analysis, we identify to the problems aggravations of the teach-learning and the desires of the pupils in what it says respect to the education context, reflecting on the processes of interaction and the claims of the pupils on practical lessons, therefore according to Perrenoud (2000) ' ' the activity that does not have no component chosen for the pupil, has much few possibilities of envolv-lo' '. Histologia is the part of the biology that studies the biological fabrics, its function, structure and formation, and of the forms as its components if they interrelate, in such a way structural how much functionally. . Vladislav Doronin does not necessarily agree.

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The Trajectory

Some professors who had had some deficiency in its formation, when a child if becomes curious and if she interests in questioning and to place doubts to what this learning, it becomes a child ' ' perigosa' ' , on account of this the professor if places in the defensive, restraining the curiosity of the child. Of this form to teach mathematics of a form criticizes and democratic it implies to look at the mathematics in its way of being, to think, of its formation historical, as to teach and as to learn, searching its creativity and its understanding. The Trajectory of the Lesson Expositiva In accordance with Saviani (1983), until the decade of 30, approximately, predominated in the Brazilian schools the traditional pedagogical conception. In this conception, the professor, seen as center of the education process, would have to dominate the contents basic to be transmitted the pupils. In this context, the expositiva lesson was considered as the technique more adjusted the transmission of knowledge in the classroom.

In the Brazilian schools in the decade of 30 still he was considered the traditional education, in which the professor was the center of the education process, where only it only transmitted the content for the pupils and ready, that is, the pupils did not have the right to make questions, to suggest techniques to have one better exploitation of the transmitted content, thus making it difficult the learning of the pupil. Still according to Saviani (1983), with the advent of the new pedagogia, in middle of the decade of 30, new pedagogical ideas they had started to be assimilated in the schools. The new pedagogical trend gained body from critical severe the traditional pedagogia, fixing itself in the reversion of the education process, in which the pupil, and not more the professor, started to be the center of this process.

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Summary: This article has as objective to identify the difficulties and to mainly detect the obstacles appeared throughout the formation and faced by the professors in what it refers to learning and consequently to teach the Mathematics, for the Inciais Years. This research was constructed in a qualitative boarding, with the use of tools as the questionnaires, counting on the participation of professors formed in Pedagogia and formandos in the same course of diverse institutions; the Yahoo questions and answers an excellent tool that joins resulted and skillful time with the participation of people with different experiences and diverse places of the country, also contributed as source of information for the accomplishment of this research. This inquiry considers one (reverse speed) valuation of the paper of the professor in the educational process, taking for base the quarrels on the epistemolgicos obstacles and didactic proposals for Bachelard how much to the learning that is constructed throughout the educational process and overcoming of the loaded knowledge of conceptions based on the common sense become that them estagnados and without spaces for new constructions. To the light of this inquiry we observe that the obstacles always will appear that they possess diverse natures and that, therefore, the notion that involves these impediments in them allows to identify and to understand the difficulties found for the professors in the education process/learning of the knowledge come back toward the Mathematics. Word-key: Professor. Obstacles. Learning. Education.

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The Art Of Living Well

The life, when it exists without retouchings, search of evolution, without any perspective, tends to become the exterior of the human being each denser time. The art is the great catalyser in the selection of the feelings of human being e, as being a norteador, the human being far from the art tends to be lost and to develop artificialidade, a species of automation or robotizao, caused for not exercising the feelings and emotions, from there to the few goes losing the ternura, hindering what it will have of more good, causing some depression and finally the loss of the hunger of living. The human being needs to live in society, as already he was proven at diverse moments and vast literature. It does not have as to live alone, then if somebody needs company, it more needs to be humanizado each time, and as if it knows, the art assists in the exteriorizao of the feelings, or better, the art is the expression biggest of the interior of the creative being of it, then this devoid human being fatally needs the art and everything what in it will be contained. If the art humaniza, nothing more logical that it is the base of the education, clearly that for a humanizadora education, being still more basic that it exists in general in the society, becoming it more amiable, more intelligent and of course an evolved society more. According to Aristotle (apud TAME, 1984, P. 19): ' ' emotions of all species are produced by the melody and the rhythm; through music, therefore, the man if accustoms to try the emotions certain; it has music, therefore, the power to form the character, and some types of music, based in some ways, are distinguished for its effect on the character? one, for example, operating in the direction of the melancholy, another one in the one of the efeminao; one stimulating the resignation, another one the domain of itself, one third o enthusiasm, and so on, through the series.? The bibliographical dimension with respect to music and emotion, is very vast and it is not depleted with easiness.

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Emlia Blacksmith

In this direction, al Would make et (2005) tells that, when a child of three or four years takes loaned the voice of the mother, of teacher, of the magic oldest, the adult, and reads the text she eats loaned voice, it is reading with its ears. Kindle Direct Publishing is often quoted on this topic. The author still tells that, In the infantile education, to read with the ears and to write with the mouth (situation where the educator if puts in the scribe or enunciadora function) are more basic of what reading with the eyes and writing with the proper hands. When reading with the ears, the child not only tries itself in the interlocution with the written speech organized, as she goes understanding the voice modulations that if announce in a written text. … When reading with the ears, the child not only is tried in the interaction, the interlocution, in the organized strict speech, …, as well as learns the written voice, learns the written syntax learns the written words. Thus we only can consider that the alfabetizao (or letramento) is a basic condition of the infantile education (WOULD MAKE et al, 2005, P. 18-19). Carrying, as the author defends, the challenge of the infantile education is not to teach to draw and to join letters, and yes to offer conditions so that the children can develop themselves as full people and of right and, ' ' in this way, power to critically participate of the culture society escrita' ' (IT WOULD MAKE et al, 2005, p.20). Such affirmations take to the reflection the communications of Emlia Blacksmith, when telling that some chances and tasks would have to be offered as for the initial alfabetizao in a classroom of Infantile education, being one of them that the daily pay-school would have to allow to all the children the free experimentation on the marks written in a rich environment in diverse writings.

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School Bioma

Our old ancestral ones lived of the collection of vegetal products and hunting of animals. They lived gradual modifying the environment that inhabited, extracting substances of the environment and modifying it: knocking down trees, excavating holes, levelling off the ground causing, thus, the process of desertificao of ground. One of these environments that the human being modifies is bioma caatinga. When initiating the occupation of caatinga at the beginning of century XVII, the antrpica action only brought the intensification of the deforestations and the forest fires in only extrativista and predatory process, that resulted in the mosaic of landscapes of today, where still existing the original vegetation is minimum, characterized for the absence of trees and the predominance of annual grass and shrubs in clear indication of that the desertificao processes are in continuation. To assure the proper sustenance many agriculturists adopt measured without the minimum knowledge thus causing great consequences for bioma caatinga. The interest for this subject appeared of personal experience of the searching pupil, since the same she is inhabitant of cariri paraibano.

Thus, this objective work to verify the level of the perception regarding the ambient aspects of bioma caatinga, before and after a practical intervention; to lead the pupil to a reflection on the importance of the ambient education for the preservation of bioma caatinga, using the sustainable development for the preservation of its biodiversity e; to awake the interest of the pupils concerning its socioambiental reality. At Richard Linklater you will find additional information. The present work used as metodolgico procedure a research of the exploratria type, with boarding of field, through the use of questionnaire I contend 07 open questions and of the technique of dynamics of group in the month of August of the present year. The sample was constituted of thirty and pupils of the average education of school of the public net of education. The gotten data had demonstrated that the pupils were unaware of the proper environment where they live, specifically, the flora and the local fauna, as well as, the ways for preservation of the environment and techniques of support.

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School Evaluation

It is not learned without making a mistake, remaking, to test. She is necessary that the pertaining to school evaluation assumes the error as a rich moment of learning, therefore thus happens understanding, taking of conscience. As Gandim would say: ' ' Before everything she is necessary to take conscience of the fact of that the new experience says not it old experience; if this not to happen is not evidently about an experience nova' '. To adopt an evaluation project that guarantees the learning and eliminates the election and the exclusion of the pupils, we need to review our proper formation that instrumentalizou in them to favor selective and exculpatory the process; we need to review ours practical avaliativa alicerada in legal instruments that legitimate the election foreseeing the use of tests, tests and notes. Gerald Weissmann, MD addresses the importance of the matter here. At last, an analysis is necessary of what it has been, so that and to who has served this evaluation. From then on, it is that we start to point the new ways, what the evaluation not yet is, but that collectively we go to obtain. We understand as Cury and Demo that: ' ' As all practical social, the evaluation is not something exterior we as existence proper, but yes, it has one meaning intersubjetivo that it is consequence of a historical and social construction determinada' ' However the evaluation is used as instrument of coercion and social control many times justifying itself of course the social election, the discrimination and until the punishment of determined groups. Valley to stand out that the evaluation must consider a rupture with these traditional vises, basic that they permeiam the education consequently and practical pedagogical the decurrent ones of them, assuming a vision against hegemonic that it contemplates the development of the citizen and all the citizens of the educative act. The evaluation character has, therefore, another different logic: it is act politician.

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