New Release For The Primary School – Sense Remove End Read By Edgar, The Sheep

Basic schulstunden Verlag, Nuremberg, the read project is June 2011. The new reading adventures “she loves me, she loves me not – with Edgar, the sheep sense remove end read” is the basic schulstunden published by Verlag. It is 2/3 of the class and contains differentiated stations with tasks for reading comprehension, as well as a radio drama CD. The small sheep Edgar can hardly believe it. His best friend, the pig Siggi, has himself falls in love with Esmeralda. He has more suddenly no time for Edgar.

The story is about first love feelings to Edgar and Siggi. The theme already employs children in primary school and therefore particularly suitable for the sense entnehmende read. The station project is the reading comprehension in the foreground to the story. The history and also some of the tasks are available in two levels of differentiation. Overall, it offered six stations along with the appropriate materialien. In addition, the book includes templates for individual stations and tasks, so that the stations exactly at the level of the Class can be customised to. The stations are independently edited by schoolchildren.

In the booklet, a radio drama CD with two stories in addition is included (heavy and light), read by the author Tamara Takac. These can be initial be used, are also part of the 1st station. To the author and Illustrator Tamara Takac Tamara Takac, illustrated and writes for the basic schulstunden Publisher since 2004. “” Have already appeared amongst the first reader book Edgar, the sheep, and the monster”, the reward sets Edgar, the sheep” and Edgar on dive “, various reading advent calendars with Edgar, the sheep and the new system high-flyer – reward system for primary schools with Edgar, the sheep”. The small sheep Edgar has even its own Facebook page and on Twitter.

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