Tag: philosophy
Carl Jung
Where it consists the search of the happiness Has without doubts an immense desire in the humanity of being happy, to meet with the happiness and to walk in partnership with it. Richard Linklater is often quoted as being for or against this. It is as if we were always to the watch of the hidden treasure. We undertake good part of our life in search of this feeling. To the times we make right, to the times and does not tie we disappoint in them when in them we arrest the external factors as: ownership of house, new car or position that we judge important. To put the true happiness consists of the satisfaction with what we have or not; with the autoaceitao understanding us as capable and limited beings.
It also consists of sharing values in a gratuitous attitude without wait of returns. It consists of sowing the peace allowing to shine a new sun on us and the ones that encircle in them, remembering that the source of the happiness inhabits inside of each one of us and blossoms when partilhada with our fellow creatures. ' ' as to spread perfume on the others, always some drops will fall on we ourselves. It is as it affirmed Maxwell: ' ' The happiness is a good that if multiplies to the being dividido.' ' Some tips for the reader (to search the happiness) If to rain, either happy with the water that wet the fields, sacia the sedenta land and makes to blossom relva; If to make sun, either happy using to advantage its rays that clareiam and heat disclosing the wall of the blackout; If it will have flowers in its garden, either happy, tanning the beauty, the perfume and ornamentao of the environment; If to find rocks in the way, either happy when knowing to exceed recognizing them them as walked part of a fruitful one; If, therefore to find pain, joy and doubts, either happy because everything this constitutes the direction to be alive. It looks for to always make of its life a hymn of louvor to the same Creator will be glad or sad, with health or patient, thus it will only be able to prove for more times the flavor of being happy, since it is inside of itself that the happiness inhabits and if presents of some faces before its yearnings. thinks with Carl Jung: ' ' The happiness would lose its meaning if it was not balanced by tristeza' ' In this direction it affirms the salmista: ' ' The ones that sow between tears with joy ceifaro.' ' The joy moments reflect at the happiness moments! of sadness, also does not influence in this process? What you find? Sprung from the same father and mother Valdina To sound Graduated letters for the UFCG. Specialist in Methodology of education for the broad CESSF sensu. Theology for Laypeople FAFIC. Teacher of Language and literature and Religious Education in School Cristiano Cartaxo- Cajazeiras- PB
In this direction it affirms Kant: The resistance that frustra the impediment of a effect promotes this effect and is in agreement it. However, everything that is unjust is an obstacle to the freedom in accordance with universal laws. But the coercion is an obstacle or resistance to the freedom. Consequentemente, if a certain use of the freedom is proper it an obstacle to the freedom in accordance with universal laws (that is, it is unjust), the coercion that to this if opposes (as an impediment of an obstacle to the freedom) is in agreement to the freedom law in accordance with universal (that is, it is joust). Therefore, on to the right for the beginning of contradiction it has an ability to exert coercion on that it violates.
(MC, D) the order of the freedom of the rational right and the reciprocal mechanism of coercion demonstrates the same structural characteristics of equality, symmetry and reciprocity. The mutual coercion is the external way by which the order of the freedom it right rational is represented and as it gains reality. The last end of the right is the external freedom. The reason for which the men if had congregated in society and had constituted the state, is to guarantee the maximum expression of the proper personality, that would not be possible if a set of coercitive norms did not guarantee for each person a freedom sphere, hindering the breaking on the part of the others. The coercion is in accordance with the freedom because it is the obstacle to that she goes against the freedom, being joust the college to coerce that one that is unjust. The preponderant function of the science of the right in Kant it is the college to coerce. Insigne philosopher does not argue as a theoretician of the jusnaturalismo, looking for to know if it has moral justification to be able to have legitimate coercion of men on men.
The Identity
Shannon, studies the process of symbolic transmission for the miditico speech and calculates the probability of absorption, and ' ' quantidade' ' of passvel information to the one transmission. In such a way, through these studies, the effectiveness in the insertion of the consumista ideology is guaranteed, that ' ' they overlap the traditional motivations, through which the individuals are on, each time more, to the global system of communication and production of merchandise, headquartered, almost that entirely, in the United States. ' ' 3. Form of Domination ' ' If the communication of Mass if became half the most important one for the operation of the ideology in the modern societies, this if must to the fact of it if have transformed into an important way for the production and transmission of symbolic forms, and because the symbolic forms thus produced they are capable to circulate in a scale without precedents, being reached millions of people who little share in common beyond the capacity to receive messages measured for meios' '. (Thompson, 1998.p.31) the communication formats, that are part of ours day-by-day, follow the trends of production of the American School North. Through the calculations and of the insertion of the effective contents of a capitalist ideal, the cultural elements of the regions that recepcionam the transmission, are restrained e, little by little, eliminated. The Identity of these places is substituted by standards that they transform, of painless form, its only elements its specific representations, in objects of a liquid identity and submissa to the values taxes for the media. We can visualize this process, of cultural domination and imposition of a different identity – or until opposing – to the place, in the nuclei of national communication. A time that if follows a static standard in the productions miditicas, any that either its source, and either it of the any origin, from the moment where she is inserted in a way, the message assumes a format that anesthesia the characteristics become that it only.
Friedrich Nietzsche
In the words of one of the most influential and controversial poets of the English language, Ezra Pound (1885-1972) the explicit poet what it is this? literature. Literature is loaded language of meanings. The great literature is simply the loaded language of meaning until the maximum possible degree. The literary art, to the step that approaches subjects philosophical, if shows as source of loaded reflection of human being and life; in its higher degree. The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), influential e, over all in a loaded philosophy of aforismos in its writings, had an over all questionadora and provocative vision of what systematic. That one searched in deuses of mythology Greek subjects to describe with total property texts literary-philosophical, exactly the principle searching a explicitao and description of a filolgico text, thus searching, deep interventions for some facts raised for history. In this direction, for philosopher, the god Apolo and Dioniso, mark a subjective and emotional thought before the subjects treated for the philosophy in literary texts, therefore these deuses are contrasts of the human being and the proper life that beats. Surely the literary schools vary between these two raised positions for the philosopher.
The philosophical-poetical thought was present since mythology Greek, passing for the archaic thought until the current days, without necessarily having a date for such event. The men with fidgets on the given, present world, decide to unmask it e, the words become the weapons of its combat for such explanations of the real world. The allure of the man with the world becomes the word the greater ' ' imperador' ' for description and agreement on the human being and everything more it composes than it are in social terms, politician and cultural. The philosophical thought definitively marked the history and its molds of social behavior, politician and culture of a people. In all the periods of universal history, the philosophy therefore, always were present for explicitar facts and behaviors human of skillful form. Destarte, some areas had been taken possetion of this style of so particular thought of the Greek man and later of the German thought to count of forceful form an impulsive idea that teima to leave. In the poetry not it was and not different. The poet obtains in a loaded poem of metaphor to describe all distresses joy and suffering that had marked definitive time. Therefore, the junction of a philosophical-poetical thought takes in to more look at and to perceive them the world in sophisticated way so to speak. The moored writing of some texts that if what says poetical-philosophical, does not allow in them the philosophical Aristotle and, over all Nietzsche considered in them: a loaded artistic writing of human being and life. Therefore, the reflection possibilities are many, but few obtain in giving to the least possibility to them of reflection highly demystified and contrary the forms and facts of the given world.
Aristotle Greek
Probably its sprouting it the same occurred due to coexistence of some philosophical schools in period and geographic space. One gives credit that the contact with the culture Roman (come back toward practical and the action) also has influenced and favored the sprouting of the ecleticism. The eclectic philosopher who if detached in this period was Ccero (106-43 C). 4,5 CYNICISM School established for Antstines (444-365 C), disciple of Scrates, the name cynicism drift of? kynos? , word Greek who means dog. It was a extremista school in the socrticos rules of that the man would have to autoconhecer and to abandon the corporeal properties. The philosophers of this chain lived as dogs, untied for the city, without comfort nor good.
They believed that the happiness did not depend on external factors (luxury, power), nor of ephemeral things (suffering and death), and, a reached time the happiness, this could not more lost being. The members of this school are pautam for complete critical a social one, to deuses, the customs, the power, justice and the proper one philosophy (Nunes, 1986). The philosopher more notable of this school was Digenes Laercio (400-325 C), that he lived in a barrel, with only one tnica, cajado and a bread scupper. It is counted that, certain time, was seated to the sun, when received the visit from Alexander, Great, that it considered to immediately take care of the any desire to it that had, and Digenes answered: Desire that has left the front of my sun (Cabral, 2006). In another history, one counts that Digenes walked for the streets of Atenas with a lighted candle in the hands, during the day, looking for? a man.
This attitude demonstrated the decay of the Greek ideal of Man (Nunes, 1986). 5.CONSIDERAES the philosophy appeared as an evolution of the mitolgico knowledge. It did not break the mitolgico knowledge, but it came in an attempt to improve the capacity human being to know, then it depended, and still it depends, of other types of knowledge. The period of the history of the called philosophy old philosophy extended of century VI C until century VII dC, and contemplated several schools, and some theories. It passed for the apogee of the Greek development, the transference of the Greek center for Atenas, and the decay of the Greek government, propitiated for the invasion of the Macedonians, and the Christianity. The trio of philosophers notables, called of tripod of the philosophy Greek, lived in this period of history, and influenced the philosophy for all the posterior centuries to the old philosophy, and still they influence today. They are: Scrates, Plato and Aristotle.
Fernandez Brides
Fernandez, in the sample that the pertaining to school learning, is a consequence of the social and familiar dynamics and that we must attempt against its diverse causes. The author schematical differentiates situations that if they show as ‘ ‘ no-aprendizagem’ ‘ : failure pertaining to school; problems of learning of the order of the symptom; cognitiva inhibition; oligotimia, based on a psychotic structure. The author in the sample the gravity of the profession of psicopedagogo, where in the schools they request impossible tasks, due to the fact of the extreme amount of demand, questioning the position it psicopedagogo in the school. In this context Fernandez Brides says in them that the professional of the psicopedagogia must filter its information and to question who they are the ones that demand, and until point is not only one complaint. ‘ ‘ Psicopedagoga or psicopedagogo is somebody that convokes all to reflect on its activity, to be recognized as authors, to enjoy what they have to give. Somebody that helps the subject to one to discover that it thinks, even so he remains very buried, in the deep one of each pupil and each professor.
Somebody that allows to the professor or the teacher to remember itself of when was boy or girl. Somebody that allows each inhabitant of the school to feel the joy to learn stops beyond the requirements of resumes and notas.’ ‘ (FERNADEZ. P.35. 2001) The author in page 38, adds that ‘ ‘ escuta’ ‘ of the psicopedagogia she does not place yourself in the pupil, in the professor, the society or family, and yes in the multiple relations between them. The clinical psicopedaggica intervention is characterized by the correction or remediation of some difficulty presented for the pupil.
Plato Taught
Of its workmanship ten books had been conserved); Theano (philosopher and physics. Theano was pupil of Pitgoras and assumes that she has been its woman. One gives credit that it and the two children have assumed the Pythagorean school after the death of the husband); Aspsia de Mileto (sofista of the time, and as all sofista, it has stories of its ability as argumentative and educator, as well as its influence politics on Pricles); Diotima de Mantinia (Personage created for Plato is presented as wise in the dialogue the Slap-up meal. If it does not know to the certainty if it existed, but one gives credit that yes. It attributes to all the socrtico-platonic theory of the love); Asioteia de Filos (physics in the Academy of Plato Taught to the side of other women that frequentavam the school) and Hipcia of Alexandria (Cultivated the mathematical superior and philosophy. It kept alive the flame of the Greek thought of Athenian root in Alexandria dilacerada for the religious fights. Brutally it was assassinated by a multitude of fanatic Christians).
In the Average Age we have Hildegarda de Bingen, Helosa de Parclito, and Catalina de Siena (Considered the first professional author. Its more famous workmanship was written in 1405, ' ' The City of the Mulheres' '. It questions the masculine authority of the great thinkers and poets who had contributed for the misgina tradition and decides to make front to accusations and insults against the women). In the Modern Age we have Mary Astell (a thinker who unified its philosophical and religious certainties in a vision feminist. It innovated the moral and pedagogical field of its time. It has influence of Locke and Rousseau) and Olmpia de Gouges (Are more than four a thousand pages of revolutionary writings, parts of theater, pamphlets, novels, satires, utopias and philosophy. She was imprisoned for questioning the slavery of the blacks; it took position for the rights of the woman).
Citizen Professor
' ' The failure pertaining to school or the problem of learning always must be an enigma to be deciphered that it does not have to be been silent, but listened to. In this manner, when ' ' not sei' ' it appears as main reply, we can ask to us what it is that it is not allowed to know. Our listening not if dirige to the not-learned contents, nor to the learned ones, nor to the not-cheated or cheated cognitivas operations, nor to the organic condicionantes, nor to the unconscious ones, but to the joints between this different instncias.' ' (FERNADEZ. P.38. 2001) Fernandez affirms that the psicopedagogia dirige for the relation enters the ensinante modality of the school and the modality of learning of each pupil, and to this as aprendente and ensinante in its group of pairs. Of this form this ' ' Citizen autor' ' one consists when the ensinante citizen eaprendente, in each person, can enter in a dialogue. As the text the psicopedaggica intervention in the schools must be attempted against simultaneously in knows topics: – to the citizen aprendente that it supports each pupil; – to the ensinante citizen that inhabits and nourishes each pupil; – to the particular relation of the professor with its group and its pupils; – to the modality of learning of the professor and, in consequncia, to its modality of education; – to the real group of pairs and imaginary the one that belongs the professor; – to the educative system as a whole. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of film director on most websites.
Directing the look in these six topics, will be able to have a singular circulation of knowledge that if established between the diverse personages and the knowledge. With regard to psicopedaggica intervention with Fernandez professors, it affirms that it is necessary that the intervention has beginning from its proper space of thought authorship, therefore the listening in such a way of the professor how much of the pupil if she makes necessary, looking for in such a way to understand and to interpret the context of the pupil how much of the professor. When commenting in its text on clinical psicopedaggica intervention, Fernandez, leaves clearly that it is very different of the re-education, since this last one tends to correct or to attenuate. ' ' Thus, many children are submitted the reeducativos methods that try one ' ' ortopedia mental' ' as one was possible to place ' ' prteses cognitivas' '. Further details can be found at KDP, an internet resource. (FERNADEZ. P.38.
2001) Fernandez brides concludes that listening not if dirige to the not-learned contents, nor to the learned ones, nor to the not-cheated or cheated cognitivas operations, nor to the organic condicionantes, nor to the unconscious ones, but to the joints between these different instances. It is not placed in the pupil, nor in the professor, nor in a society, nor in the medias as ensinantes, but in the multiple relations between them. ' ' If a pupil ' ' he is in the world of lua' ' , the problem of professor will be of as to bring ' ' lua' ' to the world of the child, since, if to want to banish ' ' lua' ' from the lesson, he will also banish aprendente that he has in its pupil. On the other hand, these ' ' luas' ' they costumam to be inhabited for the situations most painful of the life of the children. ' '
The Young And The World
The Young and the World I am part deum site in the Internet where people make questions with intention of saberemopinies on certain subjects, to take off doubts pertaining to school, to ask for conselhossentimentais, at last, questions of all the types and gostos are made to esperade answers satisfy that it. Amongst outrastantas, I found one scared that me doubly. First for the young question ondeum of only fifteen years if interested in having reply for queacontece with the young of today that they are not interested for nothing, nor for loving asi same or respecting to the moral rules. Second for the gotten answers. The great majority, synthecizing, answered that the young is that knows what good is navida. This is visoque young has of the young, that they know to live? Infelizmente. We do not fit to judge the young for its acts, but we fit analisarmospor that he arrived at this point to find that moral and physical trespasses, airresponsabilidade and descompromisso with its proper lives, not that they todossejam thus, thanks to God, either good-living.
As educadorvejo very disinterest in surpreendemais classroom on the part of some and me still when I talk with the parents. They, the parents, have pride in saying queprocuram to offer to the children good and the best things that could never have had, therefore had passed for difficulties, for wage freezes with the proper parents, having rigid umaeducao, with much requirement and collection. from there? It was not thanks to estacobrana, to these last sufocos that had constructed its character of fighters point to want to strengthen itself to the maximum to give good and the optimum one with respect to suaprole? Then because not to use remedy the same so that its children get omesmo character? filsofoNietzech (Niti) can help these parents to understand what they had passed and where estoerrando with the education whom they give to the children.
Window World
This almost brings the concrete revelation that of the insensato moment to it would fire that me to same me, says insensato because I do not want to leave my space, of my memories not for now at least. perhaps it was the moment to sharpen my vision for other cantos, others sensations but for this I must sharpen the curiosity. This devaneio that it arrives to be close I want to share with Bachelard: ' ' The will of looking at for the interior of the things becomes the sharpened vision, penetrating. It transforms the vision into a violence. It detects the imperfection, the crack, the fiction for which if she can violate the secret of the occult things. From this will of looking at for the interior of the things, of looking at what it does not see, what if does not have to see, are formed strange tense, devaneios devaneios that they form one I wrinkle between sobrancelhas. Already if it does not deal with then a passive curiosity that waits the surprising spectacles, but yes of an aggressive curiosity, etimologicamente overseer. For more information see Campbell Soup Co.
The curiosity of the child is this who destroys its toy to see what she has dentro.' ' (BACHELARD, 2003, P. 8). The ideas that this text bring are ideas proceeding from the imagination therefore speak on leaving or entering in the house or would say more, to enter and to leave the world. They are sensations of not existence that if return for mine sensible thought I appeal to see it the world without my presence. Ideas, divagaes that if enter cross with the life direction that inhabits in my physical body and land. When I think about looking at the things of inside of same me or of my inexistence in the world, I remember of the words of Hermeto Pascoal in the documentary Window of the Soul where it shows, he points with the fingers that the eyes that we had to enxergar would be the eyes of the brain and the soul exercised by sensitivity and not them eyes that limit in them and brake our emotions.
If was thus would be simple too much life without my presence. But, I insist that I do not want to leave my house and to be invisible to the world or my worlds would be to remove as me at optimum moment of the party and prefers to thus see and to see the world of this skill of my skill. For the moment, I decided, I prefer not to leave scene, if by chance it will be inevitable, the world still would continue world but I confess: I find that less! Bibliographical references: Bachelard, Gaston. The poetical one of the space. Martins Alfonso, SP, 2003. *Pedagoga and master in education