Tag: society and culture
Artistic Cultural Events
The great controversy concerning the existing entertainment in the artistic-cultural events would be exactly the question to make of the individual a passive citizen, simple consummation of products generated for the great society of mass. However, the fact must be observed as the individual deals with the supplied information it. Marcellino (2006) goes to affirm that ‘ ‘ as much the practical one, as the consumption, could be active or passive, depending on levels of participation of the person evolved. (P. 20). In the case of the cultural event, the individual, already guided for its individual choices, will be subject to the diverse forms of knowledge and proportionate values for the event, fitting proper itself to give one to these information. ‘ ‘ An active spectator would have as characteristic the selectivity, sensitivity, the understanding, the appreciation and explicao’ ‘ (Idem, pp. 20-21). We observe then that a form of the individuals exists to acquire a satisfactory formation in the cultural events, in what says respect to the local culture and other so necessary aspects of instruction for any individual and social development.
In fact, ‘ ‘ we cannot even though deny the importance of the medias of mass in the diffusion them activities of leisure, taking them to the house them pessoas’ ‘ (they idem, P. 21). In this manner, the artistic-cultural events can take care of to some requirements that contribute for the personal and social development..
Personal Trainers
The professional ' ' particular.' means trainer personal is who executes the accompaniment service; ' Grandson (2008). The evolution of the personal market training in Brazil made with that the professionals of Physical Education had a significant change in relation to the perspectives and chances of work MOSCATELLO (2007) the service consists of offering exclusiveness in the attendance and the accompaniment, Promoting greater motivation and incentive of the pupil or customer, to make possible with objetividade, security and efficiency the elaboration of the programs, To demonstrate to the comfort and the advantages of the choice of places, schedules and activities, To make possible the necessary satisfaction to the continuity of the program, to promote the quality of life for the lapsing of the activity Arantes physics Port (2000). Who already has its ' ' personal' ' , or particular professor, does not want more to know of standardized lessons VIEIRA (2009). After years of directed academic studies to the scientific formation, many of the professionals of the area of the physical education channel its energies to the market of Mller work (2008). According to Sectorial Nucleus of Academy of Rattlesnake (2010) is an attractive field and comes if detaching. The search of the public for the personalized training grew vertiginously, in consequence, promoted a proportional growth to the personal number to trainer in the city of Rattlesnake for the increasing demand of some bacharis in physical education in reason to exist varies College located in this region. The service of this Physical Educator particular lode to open way for a new market of work that lacked in the area of health VIEIRA (2009). However, the professional performance of the personalized trainer does not seem to only enclose the physical training of the customer and its accurate moment of execution, but totality of its daily one. It seems to include, also, the control of its daily routine, its alimentary habits, its schedules of sleep, its clothes, its familiar and social relations; intervening, many times, in its personal decisions.
The genius and madness are neighboring, in the distance between them are minimum, but significant. Since a step makes all the difference! When a new world to the imbeciles is presented, them disagrees, says that it is impossible; Therefore they only know to another face of the truth! It is as to free to the sun, men who lived in the blackout of the caves At the beginning light will blind the solar them, but later that they will be knowing the new world that was presented to them. What it surprises me and worries me is that the wisdom is being devaluated, the humanity finds comic the idiotices, the burrice, and the mediocre ones are valued by its nonsense. More information is housed here: Nike. Governing that they do not know to locate in the map the state where govern, and the proposals to be voted, for proper them. That species of government is this? All accept silenced the defects of a society where it has violence, preconception, misery, scarcity, the egocentrismo, the capital (MAN PRIMATE, WILD CAPITALISM) it is what it matters. If to continue the regression we will come back the age of the caves, where it did not have dialogue, knowledge or education?.
The Education
The corrupt one uses of all the expedients? the support of the Law and the name of God? to consummate its insanes dreams of being able and wealth. For detrs of its attitudes an obsessive thought exists of covets that it annuls to the intelligence and the sensitivity of the person who is enslaved for the chimeras of a travestido unhealthy materialism of democracy, liberalism and mercy. To fight against the corruption implies to fight this thought that is in many parts, impregnated in the culture, with possibilities to grow and to fortify themselves, transforming a honest person into another corrupt one, therefore he is insacivel and disturbing, intending to place the human being the exclusive service of afs of profit, ownership and power. Continue to learn more with: Kindle Direct Publishing. The life cannot summarize in a career insane in the direction of material pleasures that if esfumam at the moment of the ownership. To fight against the corruption is task of all the citizen in any sphere, therefore it aims at the common good. It is to restrict the field of activity of those unhealthy people through a constant monitoring on corrupted and the corruptores. Vladislav Doronins opinions are not widely known. It is to fight against the ambitious thoughts that ramble for there making to forget us that the life must have other meanings beyond the exclusive search of material pleasures. To work for the education, being auspiciando the study and the culture, is a form covets to fight it, illness ominous and base of all the corruption. Before looking to the historical roots of it in our country, retracing us it Brazil – Colony and to the first dilapidadores of our land and explorers of the ancestral ones that here they were very before the colonizadores that had come to bring its pretense culture in exchange for wealth that led for the Europe, speak of the psychological roots of this illness that corrupts the minds and hardens the hearts creating misery and social injustice.
Young Education
Young education of Adult? EJA After a Conference in 1990, was argued on the minimum of education for the population maximum, having committed itself to carry through an education for all, from this work has shown there resulted significant in the country. The young education of adult is in the center of quarrels on the social exclusion, therefore she is necessary to banish the idea of that the EJA is a emergencial method, as if the results of this educative process it could be immediate (SOUZA, 2007). The Young Education of Adult brings for the society the education of people who for some difficulty had not been to the school in the normal period and thus they are having this chance. Knowing that, exactly with this chance, if it becomes difficult its learning, but with auto-they esteem and persistence we obtain to make with that these people leave the blackout. One of the main works of the EJA is the valuation of the previous knowledge and the recognition of the pupils as carrying of cultures and to know. Checking article sources yields Richard Linklater as a relevant resource throughout. The pupils, most of the time, have difficulties in the learning, therefore the formation of the professors of the Young Education of Adult does not work the relative abilities to the especificidades of the student, thus making it difficult the agreement of the form to think to construct the knowledge of the adults (SOUZA, 2007). Ahead of the displayed one, he comes the necessity of the present study, showing to the educators the importance and the particularitity that has the diverse pupils of the EJA and of as a systematization in this education can contribute still more for the growth of the well alfabetizados and ready adult young number of for a more complex education, as superior education. Diversity of the citizens already if made gift, Express for the aboriginals, workers of the civil construction, women, adolescents and young and an experience of reading learning the subject of the public diversity that participates of educative projects has moved the study, the quarrel and the research of many professionals, face to the wealth and the complexity of the citizens, translated by the different forms as they express its to be in the world, its ethnic condition, of classroom, sort, its social place that inevitably it defines and it takes focus central office when if these citizens think come back projects.
CONCLUSION Ahead of everything what it was searched, we can conclude that Young education of Adult comes growing to each day and that with the persistence of the educators to study and to search the best forms to pass the knowledge to this public, the EJA tends to more still evolve. The education in any level and modality is a right that must all be assured () the s. It is this basic right that leads to the rupture of the cycle of the impossibilities of human, social and economic development. REFERENCES BLACKSMITH. B.H.; New Dictionary of the Portuguese Language. 2 ed. Rio De Janeiro: New Border; 2004.
MEYER, C. To educate for the diversity and citizenship. Constructing the Education. So Paulo, 2008. SOUZA, M. the young Education of adult and the linguistic diversity: the relations between say and the writing. Guaxup, 2007. URQUIZA, A.H.A. ; MUSSI, V.P.L. Course of continued formation. Education in the Diversity and Citizenship. Campo Grande, 2009.