The supply of places in Valencia has been reduced in 600 but the registered total number of has only lowered in 146 people. This gives a ratio us of 4.93 people by place in the present year against the 3.37 of year 2007. In Murcia 23 places more than in 2007 have been summoned but the registered number of has grown in 3746 people. The ratio by place passes from the 4.86 to almost 7.28 a 50% more discharge. To read more click here: Richard Linklater. The Canary Islands, the ratio by place it raises slightly. In the Canary Islands also they have been reduced in 279 the places summoned in the present call, which has caused that is a reduction of 932 and registered with respect to 2007. Nevertheless, the registered reduction of has not compensated the one of the places reason why in the ratio of registered by place we have an increase of 20% passed of 5.5 in 2007 to 6.29 in the present year. The increase of the number of people who decide to opositar not only happens in teaching if not that also is happening in almost all the professional scopes, for that reason the recommendation of Manuel Fandos, person in charge of communication of the center of Masters formation, of is the one to prepare itself concientiously: the preparation of oppositions demands much certainty and responsibility, requires will force and mainly, it is a effort which each opponent must face in solitude. Nevertheless, in almost all the cases, the attainment of the objective compensates the previous dedication amply. Manuel Fandos remembers the important thing that is to choose a consolidated center, that it counts on own agendas elaborated by educational experts in each one of the matters, and that offer to each student the support that needs at every moment. Original author and source of the article.