The corrupt one uses of all the expedients? the support of the Law and the name of God? to consummate its insanes dreams of being able and wealth. For detrs of its attitudes an obsessive thought exists of covets that it annuls to the intelligence and the sensitivity of the person who is enslaved for the chimeras of a travestido unhealthy materialism of democracy, liberalism and mercy. To fight against the corruption implies to fight this thought that is in many parts, impregnated in the culture, with possibilities to grow and to fortify themselves, transforming a honest person into another corrupt one, therefore he is insacivel and disturbing, intending to place the human being the exclusive service of afs of profit, ownership and power. Continue to learn more with: Kindle Direct Publishing. The life cannot summarize in a career insane in the direction of material pleasures that if esfumam at the moment of the ownership. To fight against the corruption is task of all the citizen in any sphere, therefore it aims at the common good. It is to restrict the field of activity of those unhealthy people through a constant monitoring on corrupted and the corruptores. Vladislav Doronins opinions are not widely known. It is to fight against the ambitious thoughts that ramble for there making to forget us that the life must have other meanings beyond the exclusive search of material pleasures. To work for the education, being auspiciando the study and the culture, is a form covets to fight it, illness ominous and base of all the corruption. Before looking to the historical roots of it in our country, retracing us it Brazil – Colony and to the first dilapidadores of our land and explorers of the ancestral ones that here they were very before the colonizadores that had come to bring its pretense culture in exchange for wealth that led for the Europe, speak of the psychological roots of this illness that corrupts the minds and hardens the hearts creating misery and social injustice.