More than the two a thousand years, in the Galilia, a young also was fascinated with the simple people who many times were excluded from the society of that time. But, in the truth, the people that they live today, as the demographic statisticians and studies say, not they are nor for this term ' there; excluso': the children with nine and ten years that must take care of of its ' irmos' minors, therefore the parents work outside, they do not leave of living, exactly taking care of of the house and of its brothers and them they live happy. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Campbell Soup Company CPB. They do not feel coitadinhas! We want to leave clearly that it is not our pretension to justify swims. Much less to attack or then to defend some partner-politician-economic system. Our purpose is only emphasizes that with the people humble, we need to learn that great pleasures of the existence are contained together the things more simplicity and singelas. This way of living it inquires our style of life, mainly questions the form that we educate our children. We live in the time of the unreliability, the fear, the uncertainties and in this perspective we enveredamos in them for ' superproteo' for complete ' isolamento'. In this prism, little imports the reality of the world; ' gains value only ours; problemas'.
Thus, the real world is that one tracing for our head. Therefore, we live in an unreal world: for our children what valley is the video-game; the colloquies of the colleagues of the school; the televising programs since the one of the Xuxa until the illusions of the singers and actors. This is the sad constatao. In sophistication and ' segurana' of said ' world moderno' , the parents and the children do not find the taste in the simple things of the life. E, looks at there, many parents, in its gone infancy time, already they had had the pleasure of saborear the delights of the life in simplicity. Oxal let us can learn, with the children and the adults, who live without the parafernlias and ditames of the life agitated and complex of the centers of the cities, the delights that they see of the simple life: to play in the street with the bare-footed feet, to raise pipe, to run and if to esbaldar; to talk with the neighbors without the concern with the time; to take one terer (or a chimarro) in a wheel of friends; to take care of to a visit without diffidence and speech without being worried about the direction of the words. Who knows that with these people we will go to find the great therapy to survive with mazelas and complications I agitate of it of the modern world.