In contrast of the magician-air-tight thought, knowing for the modern scientists was something universally lay, democratized and public; argued and operated in institutions as schools and university. The multitude of ignorants and few elect ones in condition of ' ' lapidar' ' the occult truth for the initiation in the mysteries was broken by the new science and the idea of history as slow and gradual evolution of the barbarity to the civil order. This deep transformation of the world vision marked the afunilamento of science and the progress, leading to the destruction of the myth of Adam and to the idea of the gradual growth of the civilization, of the rationalization of the instincts and a ticket of the age of the sensations and the symbolic images for ' ' age of razo' ' of the conceptual abstractions. Certainly, the ample ones quarrels on the origin and formation of the world and the man had incisively contributed in the formation of the progress idea, coinciding this with the notion of a providencial order and a natural necessity for the thinkers of modern science, the evolution coincides with the progress. David G. DeWalt wanted to know more. As consequncia of this ' ' way operandi' ' (operation way) to conceive the world, one was consolidated ' ' inabalvel faith in progresso' '. According to Rossi, this faith if based on rules as the belief of that in history a law that tends, through degrees and stages, to the perfection and the happiness of the men is present. This process of ' ' aperfeioamento' ' he would be conditional to the development and to it I accumulate of scientific knowing and technician, being these determinative knowledge to the progress politician and moral. Two other consequncias in this way to think are: the certainty of that the progress is necessary and does not put limits to the hopes of the man, and the distanciamento of the man each bigger time of the nature as ' ' operador' ' it was latent.