Shannon, studies the process of symbolic transmission for the miditico speech and calculates the probability of absorption, and ' ' quantidade' ' of passvel information to the one transmission. In such a way, through these studies, the effectiveness in the insertion of the consumista ideology is guaranteed, that ' ' they overlap the traditional motivations, through which the individuals are on, each time more, to the global system of communication and production of merchandise, headquartered, almost that entirely, in the United States. ' ' 3. Form of Domination ' ' If the communication of Mass if became half the most important one for the operation of the ideology in the modern societies, this if must to the fact of it if have transformed into an important way for the production and transmission of symbolic forms, and because the symbolic forms thus produced they are capable to circulate in a scale without precedents, being reached millions of people who little share in common beyond the capacity to receive messages measured for meios' '. (Thompson, 1998.p.31) the communication formats, that are part of ours day-by-day, follow the trends of production of the American School North. Through the calculations and of the insertion of the effective contents of a capitalist ideal, the cultural elements of the regions that recepcionam the transmission, are restrained e, little by little, eliminated. The Identity of these places is substituted by standards that they transform, of painless form, its only elements its specific representations, in objects of a liquid identity and submissa to the values taxes for the media. We can visualize this process, of cultural domination and imposition of a different identity – or until opposing – to the place, in the nuclei of national communication. A time that if follows a static standard in the productions miditicas, any that either its source, and either it of the any origin, from the moment where she is inserted in a way, the message assumes a format that anesthesia the characteristics become that it only.