Although in this case about 99% of information you can only guess. Why do I have an example? By this I wanted to show that words, sentences, paragraphs and even many, if not impossible to comprehend the pages of the books separately, in isolation from the rest of the context. In reality, more or less complete image can be formed by reading only several pages. And if we take any sentence in isolation, meaning it will be oh, how little. It does not confuse the meaning of (the image that you experience) with a sense of clarity of the text. If I give you an example: "Mary is a bucket of water "in terms of reading comprehension is fine. The proposal is very simple. But it can not even be as small as desired target information.

We do not know that for Mary, as she carries a bucket and some water. The fact that you have understood this sentence as a set of words, almost anything you do not give. And if you read "16 years, Mary, iron, bucket, spring, water, 10 l, 5 miles, my mother," you'll see that even though no great connection between the words there, informativeness of this set of words above, and you can even make this kind of story. Enough time to snatch the right words. On the other hand, reading any book, we anticipate a 50 percent further content.

Since, according to the laws of writing literature, thought, ie, we perceive the image may not change dramatically, and the plot is rotated 90 degrees. You it was easy to build a story of a group of words in the above example also because before that was the sentence "Mary is a bucket of water." This is how the semantic conjecture or anticipation. All these factors make it possible to accelerate: First, begin to read any book in the usual way after securely install a complete image of what we read, we can just briefly skim along the lines, noting only one thing: the changing idea of the text or not. The change of mind can still detect and separate words such as "this way, of course, as a result, in reality, however, because it turns out …. " Seeing such a word, we can slow down, noting that author had in mind, and then dispersed through the text. If you take any paragraph, then the most informative, are usually the first and last sentences. When I write a "cursory skim along the lines …" I mean that, apart from fast-motion look at the page, "your head" must be present clear image of what the text says. This creates a special hypnotic state, which is necessary in order to take the text at the same time the larger semantic units. Thus, in many cases, improving reading comprehension. You begin to see the forest through the trees. To practice this state can use a table Schulte. Speed reading training cues.