In the area of mathematics learning object is the competition of mathematical thought, constituted by the subcompetencies From numerical thinking, spatial, medicional, randomized, variational and logical. Each subcompetencies have some domains or processes: resolution and problem posing, reasoning, communication, modeling and procedures. These are the processes of the area and each must be evaluated for metacognitive levels of acquisition, use, justification and control. The objects of teaching or content area are grouped into curricular axes: numeric system and thinking, spatial thinking and geometric system, thought medicional and metrics, random thoughts and data system, variational thinking and analytical system, logical thinking and system sets. Each of these axes is made thematic clusters, understood as a grouping of content declarative (know that), procedural (knowing how get to know this) and attitude (want to know). The systemic approach with emphasis on the development of thinking and solving problems.
This means maintaining the systemic conception of mathematics, but the emphasis is made in the resolution of problems and the development of mathematical thinking. The historical commitment of mathematics aims to be clear about the historicity of this science. Be aware that mathematics involve great efforts of humanity to understand herself and understand the universe we inhabit. Regarding the relationship between culture and mathematics, is to recognize that this science is in relation to the processes of cultural significance in different historical moments and groups. Regarding the basic mathematical training, according to the guidelines (MEN, 1998) the emphasis would be on enhancing mathematical thinking through the appropriation of content that are related to certain mathematical systems.