The Young and the World I am part deum site in the Internet where people make questions with intention of saberemopinies on certain subjects, to take off doubts pertaining to school, to ask for conselhossentimentais, at last, questions of all the types and gostos are made to esperade answers satisfy that it. Amongst outrastantas, I found one scared that me doubly. First for the young question ondeum of only fifteen years if interested in having reply for queacontece with the young of today that they are not interested for nothing, nor for loving asi same or respecting to the moral rules. Second for the gotten answers. The great majority, synthecizing, answered that the young is that knows what good is navida. This is visoque young has of the young, that they know to live? Infelizmente. We do not fit to judge the young for its acts, but we fit analisarmospor that he arrived at this point to find that moral and physical trespasses, airresponsabilidade and descompromisso with its proper lives, not that they todossejam thus, thanks to God, either good-living.
As educadorvejo very disinterest in surpreendemais classroom on the part of some and me still when I talk with the parents. They, the parents, have pride in saying queprocuram to offer to the children good and the best things that could never have had, therefore had passed for difficulties, for wage freezes with the proper parents, having rigid umaeducao, with much requirement and collection. from there? It was not thanks to estacobrana, to these last sufocos that had constructed its character of fighters point to want to strengthen itself to the maximum to give good and the optimum one with respect to suaprole? Then because not to use remedy the same so that its children get omesmo character? filsofoNietzech (Niti) can help these parents to understand what they had passed and where estoerrando with the education whom they give to the children.