The period that we will go to study, properly said, will be of 1896 to the 1934, tempoem that Vigotskiesteve in the world. Let us see such concept of Marx: ' ' to construct a new society through the Social' ' ; it is possible to conclude that all we want a society, more human being, and better different of what it is currently. The thoughts, then, in this direction had not been only a new society, but also for a central formation that changes the aspect and the thought forming a new man. All Russia started to think about the necessity to form this new man; Then Vigotski is born at this time and all its research pass the being in the development and formation of a new individual. At this Vigotski time the partisan filiation was not filiou to the communist party in relation.
As many social, intellectual phenomena and politicians not only aim at that nothing it can be explained outside of the nature and to think, in a society, but a social group footwear for this necessary vision of a new conception. The State must be lay and if it divides in not secular weather and. However, we consider that the State while Brazil is lay, but let us analyze: It will be that he is same? We see that ecumenical movements had not allowed that the lessons of religion in the schools were purely catholics and that many professors still start its lessons with a conjunct, then do not have a lay State properly said. The catolicismo (in such a way the Apostolic Roman how much the Orthodox one) places all its ' ' males and demnios' ' on the communism. One remembers the used term of this text at the beginning, as: ' ' Eater of criancinhas' ' Then ' is considered; ' eater of criancinhas' ' therefore they wanted to leave the children without religion and base religious catholic or, then this seen age, in the religious vision, as a devilish and pecadora action.