A text that also illustrates the positioning of the professor in relation to its pupil: when adopting alfabetizao method ' ' engessado' ' the professor stimulates the pupil to be mere ' ' reprodutor' ' of the reality where he is inserted. To the step that when adopting alfabetizao method more ' ' livre' ' , more dynamic, more interesting, pupil will contribute it to become an individual capable to modify the reality where he is inserted. Leaving the position of expectador for the modifier position agent. Somebody capable thing to carry through and not only to reproduce already the existing one. In such a way we understand the alfabetizao process as being one of the moments most important in the formation of the individual.

Being ideal that it still happens in infancy, however currently we find still an expressive number of illiterate adult people in our Country. This reality is being faced with the creation of the young programs of alfabetizao of adult (PRO EJA), spread for all Country with the objective of alfabetizar young adult and takes off them of this condition. at this moment we open the quarrel to trace a parallel with the Precious film (2009), where the protagonist is an adolescent of 16 years that she does not know to read nor to write. Although the school frequentasse, it became invisible the eyes of those professors. Therefore as to justify the permanence of it in the same series of alfabetizados pupils? Only when engravidar for the second time that then the director decides to take some attitude in relation to the girl: she banishes it from the college. The pupil transfers to an alternative school.

That is, a school that alfabetiza young. At this moment it passes to be seen as a complete individual and not only as a school registration, a number. In this favorable environment it then starts to learn to read and to write.