School Bioma

Our old ancestral ones lived of the collection of vegetal products and hunting of animals. They lived gradual modifying the environment that inhabited, extracting substances of the environment and modifying it: knocking down trees, excavating holes, levelling off the ground causing, thus, the process of desertificao of ground. One of these environments that the human being modifies is bioma caatinga. When initiating the occupation of caatinga at the beginning of century XVII, the antrpica action only brought the intensification of the deforestations and the forest fires in only extrativista and predatory process, that resulted in the mosaic of landscapes of today, where still existing the original vegetation is minimum, characterized for the absence of trees and the predominance of annual grass and shrubs in clear indication of that the desertificao processes are in continuation. To assure the proper sustenance many agriculturists adopt measured without the minimum knowledge thus causing great consequences for bioma caatinga. The interest for this subject appeared of personal experience of the searching pupil, since the same she is inhabitant of cariri paraibano.

Thus, this objective work to verify the level of the perception regarding the ambient aspects of bioma caatinga, before and after a practical intervention; to lead the pupil to a reflection on the importance of the ambient education for the preservation of bioma caatinga, using the sustainable development for the preservation of its biodiversity e; to awake the interest of the pupils concerning its socioambiental reality. At Richard Linklater you will find additional information. The present work used as metodolgico procedure a research of the exploratria type, with boarding of field, through the use of questionnaire I contend 07 open questions and of the technique of dynamics of group in the month of August of the present year. The sample was constituted of thirty and pupils of the average education of school of the public net of education. The gotten data had demonstrated that the pupils were unaware of the proper environment where they live, specifically, the flora and the local fauna, as well as, the ways for preservation of the environment and techniques of support.

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Collective Work Family School

The paper of the Family in the Learning to develop in adequate way biological, motor, physiological and also psychological the aspects, the child needs the intervention and mediation of the parents. The mediation between the child and the social reality if of, most of the time, for lives deeply familiar. The task to educate the child is, therefore, first of the family. In this way, it is necessary that it has good familiar bonds, for the good development of the person. In accordance with Barone (apud OLIVEIRA, 2003), in the family, the mother is the mediating between the child and the world. The child, to the rising, differently of the animals, does not obtain to survive alone. It needs, since the first instant of the mediation of another person to assist it to satisfy it its necessities.

Such mediation if of first, and more directly, for the mother and, after that, the culture that the fence and that it understands through the language and of the knowledge. The family is the mediating between child and the external reality and this is an essential reality in the creation of the bases so that the child has a healthful mental development. The familiar affection produces a climate emotional so that the development of the child is favorable in all its aspects. For Winnicott (2005), the child needs this exchange of affection to have good development. The children and young need to feel that they belong to a family.

She knows yourself that the family is the base any being, does not mention here only to blood family, but families also constructed through affection bows. Family, in the direction amplest, is a set of people who if join for the desire to be together, to construct something and of if complementing. She is through these relations that the people can become more human beings, learning to more live the game of the affectivity in adjusted way.

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School Evaluation

It is not learned without making a mistake, remaking, to test. She is necessary that the pertaining to school evaluation assumes the error as a rich moment of learning, therefore thus happens understanding, taking of conscience. As Gandim would say: ' ' Before everything she is necessary to take conscience of the fact of that the new experience says not it old experience; if this not to happen is not evidently about an experience nova' '. To adopt an evaluation project that guarantees the learning and eliminates the election and the exclusion of the pupils, we need to review our proper formation that instrumentalizou in them to favor selective and exculpatory the process; we need to review ours practical avaliativa alicerada in legal instruments that legitimate the election foreseeing the use of tests, tests and notes. Gerald Weissmann, MD addresses the importance of the matter here. At last, an analysis is necessary of what it has been, so that and to who has served this evaluation. From then on, it is that we start to point the new ways, what the evaluation not yet is, but that collectively we go to obtain. We understand as Cury and Demo that: ' ' As all practical social, the evaluation is not something exterior we as existence proper, but yes, it has one meaning intersubjetivo that it is consequence of a historical and social construction determinada' ' However the evaluation is used as instrument of coercion and social control many times justifying itself of course the social election, the discrimination and until the punishment of determined groups. Valley to stand out that the evaluation must consider a rupture with these traditional vises, basic that they permeiam the education consequently and practical pedagogical the decurrent ones of them, assuming a vision against hegemonic that it contemplates the development of the citizen and all the citizens of the educative act. The evaluation character has, therefore, another different logic: it is act politician.

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School Man

Displayed the names, we will now go to show its main characteristics. Scrates (469-399 B.C.) entirely dedicated its life to the meditation and philosophical education. Source: David G. DeWalt. He was the man of the interrogations, that one that never was left to enclausurar in no system. Richard Linklater is actively involved in the matter. The main process of it consistiaem to interrogate. Objective Oseu was to generate the power to think. Its white age to form espritos capable to take off conclusions correct, to formulate the truth by themselves, instead of giving elaborated conclusions to them already. Where, in the activity to learn one he disciplines any, the professor nothing more can make that to guide and to clarify doubts.

Scrates (469-399 B.C.), ‘ ‘ only one good exists, knowing, and only one badly, ignorncia’ ‘. Scrates reformulated the philosophy Greek, making with that the knowledge search, before centered in the study of the nature, started to occupy of the man and its actions. The freedom of its speeches in square public, the obscure feio of its character, its critical, ironic attitude and the consequent education for given it, had created general dissatisfaction, personal popular hostility and inimizades. It appeared Scrates as head of an intellectual aristocracy. Scrates (469-399 B.C.), ‘ ‘ that one to who the word not to educate, also the wood not educar’ ‘. In the end of the life, a danger for the society was considered and finished accused and convicted to the death. In the workmanships of Plato (427-347 B.C.) a trend is seen pedagogical innovative, therefore it did not think about a model of retrograde education or estagnado, but yes in an advanced and involving education.

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Declaration School

For working of day and studying at night, the diligent pupils finds many barriers to remain themselves in classroom, where if it detaches: little space of time between the work and the school; nocturnal violence in the entrance and exit of the school; lack of professors; extreme lack of didactic material, difficulties in readings and calculations. When these difficulties if add, they prioritize the work because, after all of accounts, although the working profits, are what it guarantees its sobrevivncias and, moreover, many times, perceive that the formation that are receiving on account does not have much felt when feeling that they had failed in the learning and, of this, many of them, abandons its dreams. The diligent pupils, registered in the EJA, cannot pass simply for this modality of education to only fulfill a protocol established in the LDBs, she is necessary that they are directed compatible attentions with its reality of life. Arroyo (2006, P. 22) makes the following reflection: I think that the reconfiguration of the EJA cannot start for asking to us for its place in the education system and for its place in the education modalities less. (…) The young starting point will have to be to ask who to us is this adult. Undisputed it is the fact of that the diligent pupil is a different pupil, loads I obtain unreliabilities, defeats made bitter since the beginning of its process of escolarizao and it are of it also, that inevitably they shake its auto-esteem e, therefore, any that is the disillusionment lived in the school, can feed the abandonment process. Therefore, one to look at differentiated from a relationship fraterno on the part of the actors of which they demand the educational proposals is the way to understand who is and which the real necessities of the diligent pupils. The Declaration of the Human Right-handers (1948, Article I) opens space for this affective bow: ' ' All the people are born free and equal in dignity and rights.

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Day School

The parents come alone in certain activities, as the Day of the Parents. It is absent also in house, does not become involved in the day the day of the studies, does not make collections on what the son is seeing in the school. He seems that the man today does not find its space in the family. What he would be moving away the father from the children? Schrammel? The children are in house, alone, using technologies that the father does not dominate. This mainly creates a removal in relation to the man, the woman is acolhedora.

Children with a involved father present better resulted? Schrammel? The more the father participates, better the routine in the school. Many times, when she arrives in 5 or in 7 series and the father is absent, the mother loses the domain, and occurs problems of disciplines and income. Some stories had been made by the pupils of the School Cheap Magalhes km 95 North in Medicilndia in Par. ‘ ‘ Our parents hardly go to the meetings in the school, when they appear sporadical is for serious causes, as, for example: fight with colleagues and disobedience with professores’ ‘ (pupils of 7 and 8 series). Other pupils of the same school affirm that its parents say not to have time and have something more important to make. They also affirm that the mother looks more on the pertaining to school income, when the father nor looks for to know you are welcome, (pupils of 5 and 6 series).

FINAL CONSIDERAES the problem presented on ‘ ‘ absence of the parents in escola’ ‘ it will bring inquiries and reflections so that the school comes to make an analysis and to develop action that makes possible the situation. That the reader of this article it can suggest, to contribute and to take for the society the contained information. Any problem whichever, is necessary to search, to analyze to reflect stops later acting; this is mission of all, since we are participant of the society. For a good research, it is not enough to read or to observe, is necessary, that is, not to participate of the process in lcus, to make field research, to investigate, if necessary to question, to act, to reflect.

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