Modern Occult sciences, too, are very serious divination, astrology has long been a required element in the formation of any competent occultist. Alas, reliable data on the reliability Divination as a prognostic method no. Just do not, because the official science of the matter is not engaged, and if does, then, unfortunately, is sinking into fraud and forgery in a hysterical attempt to prove: No! Can not be! Impossible! As it turned out to work Gauquelin and 'test' so-called 'Committee of steam. " However, where one can make any more or less adequate checks (as is the case with Paul, or we take the example of the same Gauquelin) have consistently obtained a positive result. Divination is the simplest and most common method because proscopia throughout many millennia of human history.

Actually the essence of any divination boils down to that taken a set of symbols (runes, maps, signs on Pisanyza, jars with the flags of participating countries) and one is a pseudo-random selection (take out the fleece, card, card with a picture, commit to do it parrot, hamster, or, in extreme cases the octopus), and then dragged out (precipitate), the symbol is interpreted according to predefined rules. In more complex, advanced, systems of divination is chosen few characters that placed in accordance with the predetermined scheme (layouts), and interpreted not only the value of each individual character, but also their relative position. In numerology the following points are important: Sample characters is a pseudo-random manner. This means that selects the characters are always living creature: human, rat, parrot, octopus … And this being, interacting with the subtle energy plans subconsciously chooses characters which correctly describe the situation and prospects of its razvitiya.Pravila interpretation of symbols and hands have to be identified before divination.

As is the case with the same Paul: all agreed beforehand that his choice of oysters indicates the winner rather than proigravshego.Vopros should be znachimym.Tot who spends divination must not be interested in rezultate.Gadanie performed only once, regardless of the result. Reconsideration Divination is carried out only if substantially change the situation or problem (that is, in principle, the same thing). As we see, in the case of Paul, all five points were made that determined the success of 'divination by octopus'! There are countless ways of divination: numerology on runes, divination by Tarot, numerology on the cards (playing) – perhaps the most popular and easy to learn method of divination, Various occult and some occult schools offer their own ways, the same DEIR, for example. You can guess from the book, the cards Magik The Gathering, by … methods do not count. And almost all occult schools include training of divination in their program, so learn how to guess these days it is not a problem would desire to foresee his own fate, rather than simply a scholar at the octopus. All evidence taken from Wikipedia – the free encyclopedia, the article devoted to octopus Paulo.