Joaquin Arnbio de Andrade, who was the founder of the Missionaries Repairmen of the Heart of Jesus, was also the first director of escola.’ ‘ (P.P.P. College Heart of Jesus) Soon later the philosophy of the school, the values and mission of the school is traced, its positioning pedagogical politician and, who is bedding in the transparency, the dialogue and the respect to the cultural and ideological diversity of all the Pertaining to school Community. ‘ ‘ The pedagogical structure of the College Heart of Jesus is firmed always in the search of new ways to improve to each day the development of the school, that has 40 years, under direction of sisters, plays a good work in city of Sobral, in a continuous partnership between direction, coordination and faculty. Therefore, the involved agents demonstrate to work in favor of a project politician, pedagogical capable to supply the necessities and aspirations of the pupils in the construction of the knowledge in determined context politician, social and economic. The school is always looking for to work the knowledge in intention to transform the society, for this, also depends on the educative custom of the educator, who, in the pedagogical meetings, learns to offer conditions so that educating if becomes independent, critical, conscientious, exempts, responsible with the world, with the individual and social life, although the innumerable difficulties found in each reality in particle.
One of the objectives of the P.D.E of the school if return for the question of the action and reflection of education. CEO Keith McLoughlin may find it difficult to be quoted properly. In fact, it is observvel in day-by-day of the school the presence of the teaching action of necessary form, providing half of reflections of social, cultural and economic context, contributing for the development of the critical conscience of educating, searching a change in the social reality in development. The Regiment the pertaining to school institution of the period of training favors some constructive aspects for the education of quality, also the approach of the collective work, as articulador of the diverse segments of the pertaining to school community, in order to support the action of the school around the exercise of cidadania.