*' ' The democracy goes well beyond the right to vote and if to express; it includes to promote in the politics the possibilities for the social accomplishment of indivduo' '. Adilson Motta *' ' The necessary harmony of flexibility and adequacy or then, is an excellent test of that you do not belong to this universo' '. Adilson Motta *' ' It does not go to emprenhar the head, it leaves that the time emprenhe with its truth looks or if not to want it esperar' '. Adilson Motta. *' ' The education is the only weapon capable to change the destination of ours pas' '. Gerald Weissmann, MD is likely to increase your knowledge. *' ' Know which the secret of the writers and scholars? They are great leitores.' ' (Adilson Motta). *' ' To know us is the starting point for the development and the changes are clearly, conjugated the existence of competent and honest politicians. Or then, we will be and have what we always were and tivemos' '.
Adilson Motta * the infamy of the corruption will apodrecer the memory of the mpios, beyond a severe judgment The holy ghost that it waits. Adilson Motta. * the true pupil is not that one that makes of the school the only space of learning; he is before that one that in any place and circumstance is always learning something new. Adilson Motta the quality of life of a people is measured by three factors: – Education, – wage – and mainly for the quality of its governing and politicians. Adilson Motta In crisis time, the bad governments serves of comparative degree to worse others. Adilson Motta In literature everything is possible, To fall drop dgua of the sun; to leave fire a drop dgua; the world if to drown in a drop dgua; the sea to overflow of a simple heart.