Tag: video-game
To Educate A Dog
Everything what your dog learns during its first year of life will leave it noticeable for always, of there the great importance of a correct education during this one time, but you are not discouraged if your dog already has more than 1 year of age; still you can improve some things in him; although to be I will say sincere you that this is more difficult that to educate a puppy well. To the question on Like Educating a dog beginning always saying that an evil handling in the raising and a bad education can take to some dogs to develop ” Upheavals of the Comportamiento” (that is conduct problems) like the phobias to the noises, the dogs, the people; mainly to the children and this it can finish in serious mordeduras and aggressions. By all what has been said previously you will be able to be given account of which it is not enough with giving him to eat and to vaccinate it; also it is necessary a correct and responsible education. Here some practical advice on Like Educating a Dog go: 1) – Like Educating a Dog: ” Few palabras” In order to issue an order to the dog it is not necessary to use many words and in addition these must of being short, since it does not include the human language a simple one NO! well energetic it is sufficient. Also you could use: qudate, outside, here, stop, attention, together, sit (seated), down (thrown), we go, above, well, etc.