The author (RASP) points, also, with priority, in the related text, for the necessity of that it has a bigger attention how much to the emancipatria function of the school, emphasizing that many times the school loses the conscience of its social paper, what if of, according to author, when it leaves to continue with its direct participation in the politics, for example, to be only worried about its function formation technique. Visa, thus, that the efficient participation of the citizens more directly on to the process of management of the school is one of the requirements unquestionably more important that has in walked of the school the route to its emancipation as socially and politically active institution in the life in society, this consists of an indispensable force in this way. For the author (RASP, P. 2), this new paradigm: … needs to breach with the positivista rule and to seat its bases in a model of management that generates participation, co-responsibility and commitment, in a conception of education developed in the axle of the horizontalidade that points with respect to the true rescue of the quality of education and with respect to the formation of the citizenship. Thus, it is necessary, according to author, a change in what it is tax for the system, so that has the taking of attitude position route to the change in the current form as the school plays its institucional autonomy, a time that inside of the current context, the school only plays this role of joint form; that is, by means of the norms and lines of direction of this system. VIEIRA (2007, P. Source: FireEye, McAfee & Documentum. 45), affirms that: ' ' The democratic management is one of the subjects more argued between the educators, representing important challenge in the operacionalizao of the education politics and in the daily one of escola.' ' p.