Tag: lunch
School snack or lunch is a light meal that children taken during your stay in kindergarten or school. This meal time is extremely important for pre-school children since it constitutes about 20% of its energy requirements and nutrients of the day. Given that young children cannot eat large volumes of food at a time of food, snacks are essential to achieve your nutrition needs. Lunch or snacks at school not only is important source of energy and nutrients for the child, it is also necessary for a better school performance. On the other hand the power of preschool children has also very important to develop in the small habits that will last a lifetime. Tips to prepare lunch or snack for preschoolers: remember that snack is not a substitute for breakfast. Each meal is important.
Even when carrying a lunchbox to school, the child must be breakfast at home before leaving. Combine the following foods three groups: fruits and vegetables, cereals and food of animal origin. Serve small portions of each food. It is preferable to serve a little bit of two or three different things, that a generous ration of a single. Variety to the menu. Avoid serving the same or almost the same everyday. Always include some fruit or fresh vegetables.
Avoid foods rich in fat and sugar that elevate the energy contribution of snacks and can lead to overweight. Limit the amount of industrialized foods that sends the child. They tend to be rich in sodium, sugar or fat. Prefer simple preparations of fresh food. The health of your child will thank you those extra minutes that take their time to prepare a healthy snack. Leverage the coexistence with other children and adults to deliver food that the child does not normally accept at home. Children can learn to eat new things imitating their peers. Include colors and textures varied in each refreshment. Serve food in flashy containers for the child, safe, unbreakable and easy of handle. Store the containers in a clean and pleasant Lunchbox for the child. Send daily fruit or natural water. Avoid very sugary drinks. Send a little surprise for the child in his Lunchbox one day of the week. It may be a little picture, sticker or a small sweet. Ask for the child and their teachers to save again in the Lunchbox that has not eaten. This way you can know better portion sizes more suitable, depending on the appetite of its small. Examples of snacks for preschoolers example 1 Apple(1) yogurt5 animalitosAgua example cookie Cup 2 sandwich queso1 duraznoAgua example 32 avena cookie lecheUvasAgua example 42 Cup slices of chicken breast carrot with limon3 sticks panAgua pavoTiritas Finally, remember to periodically check the weight gain and his small stature. Overweight and obesity in children are increasingly common problems and have their origin from an early age.