Industry Terminology

Many customers think that any qualified translator can easily translate the text of any subject. Usually this happens when the translator is taken as the overall theme of the text, but with other types of text is not the case simple. To understand this situation the customer is enough to open a book from a highly specialized field, such as text in the field of eye microsurgery. All of us it is obvious that in such a highly specialized text, we understand is not very much. But the interpreter something else needs it and move! The main problem in the translation of highly specialized texts is that the text requires understanding of the interpreter. If it were not so, then the problem interpreter for a long time would be reduced to a mechanical substitution of words from one language to another word. Such a task could be successfully carried out computers. However, a computer translation is still known for its "pearls", which Translators are not tired to share with each other.

For example, the German word Ruckscheinwerfer (taillight) Famous translates as "thrower return ticket," and the phrase Dachsaulenverkleidung ausbauen (to remove the upholstery-pillars) as "development Dressing up a column of badgers. " Note that the formally correct, especially in the first case. And a computer program, and not enough skilled translator can make a mistake in this case: both the program and the translator sometimes can not select the correct translation. Even specialized dictionaries are not much help: each term (especially technical) can have several meanings, without knowledge of context can not select the correct term.

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