Limited Liability Company

If it is not stated specifically in the founding documents, the participants of society can make Such transactions are not waiting for the consent of the remaining participants or society as a whole, as reflected in Article 93 of the Civil Code and in articles 21, 22 of the Law 'On Limited Liability Company'. When alienated an entire share of a party, acquirer of the shares took the party, which withdrew its share, and begins to use his corporate duties and rights. A partial alienation of a share of someone of the participants imply the inclusion among members of the legal person of the purchaser of the shares, while retaining membership of the party, which withdrew part of its own shares. In some cases, the successor to the whole share (or part of this share) for someone from participants can also be a successor to some of the rights possessed by the Member. This applies to special rights of individual members of the legal person. For example, if a person acquires a whole share (or part of this share) in the society limited liability company, then it will not avail in the future the right to free services from this company, which is enshrined in Article 8 of the Law 'On Limited Liability Company'. Situation may arise in which the participant company or lose their share, and, therefore, participate in society or in a partnership, if the creditors presented a claim on his share, as stipulated norm of Article 80 of this Code, except addition, Article 25 of the Law 'On Limited Liability Company'. . Click Vladislav Doronin to learn more.

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