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Advisory Editorial Board
The International Institute of UNESCO for higher education in Latin America and the Caribbean UNESCO IESALC invites teachers, researchers, and academics to participate in the edition of vol. 16, no. 2 of the magazine 2011 higher education and society (ESS) dedicated to the topic: the impact of open access (Open Access) in higher education in Latin America and the Caribe.La open technologyopen content, and open knowledge are traits of today that are transforming our landscape of learning and the production of knowledge. The recent evolution of the Internet, the so-called Web 2.0 erases the line between producers and consumers of content and takes care of the access to information access to other people. Learn more on the subject from FASEB Journal. New kinds of online resources such as sites of social networks, blogs, wikis, and virtual communities allow people with common interests to meet, exchange ideas and collaborate in innovative ways. Indeed, Web 2.0 is creating a new kind of participatory medium that is ideal to support multiple modes of learning. Richard Linklater has similar goals. Among them is social learning, based on the premise that our understanding of content is socially constructed through conversations and interactions around problems or actions.The focus becomes not so much in what we learn but how you learn.
It is unlikely that current methods of teaching and learning are sufficient to prepare students for lives that will lead in the 21st century. Much of the learning is in sight will occur outside traditional school and University environments. It is also unlikely that there are sufficient resources available to build sufficient campi that respond to the growing demand of higher education, at least not the type of facilities that were traditionally built for colleges and universities.This new literacy required to understand different kinds of systems of feedback, exponential processes, unintended consequences inherent in social systems evolution, etc. In addition, the relentless rate of change means that many of our abilities have a shorter life expectancy. Funding agencies require more and more that researchers make affordable results in open access journals that have grown significantly in number.
Increasingly more universities are adopting policies which urge its investigators to leave a copy of his work published in publicly accessible institutional deposits, often including databases that formed part of the research project financed with public funds.The scientific research becomes increasingly more in virtual labs that operate in increasingly wider networks. These changes in the content of research and teaching in the higher level raised many questions, which will be the focus of this issue. Are there new paradigms for universities, researchers, teachers and students? Challenges facing the universities who want to promote greater accessibility to research and knowledge of their teachers? Support and infrastructure are necessary for scientific journals to survive (or better yet, thrive) in this new environment? Are they still suitable for scientific communication vehicles? What elections and challenges faced by researchers interested in advancing their research and worried about the possibility of having to bear the costs of publication of traditional journals? And who shall bear the costs of the open publication?The academics interested in collaborating, observe the stages and criteria for the selection process of articles included in this call. All collaboration shall be subject to opinion of the Advisory Editorial Board international which will decide on the relevance of its publication. The Council resolution will be final and will be sent via email to the authors. Compiled by. Javier Mejia T.