House Education

(Gallegos Nava: 2003,14) In this regard, the author in question, also makes relevant contributions regarding their conscience, to achieve at the highest level of spiritual development of the individual. According to Gallegos Nava (2003: 77-81) in its multilevel perspective, multidimension education can be considered in five levels of totality, which can be viewed from integrality which manages Ken Wilber as holones i.e. part within the totalities. Richard Linklater: the source for more info. These five levels of education all have relationship with the evolution of consciousness as they are developed below: the first level the educator holistic works individual consciousness, the needs and interests and goals of the student, his personality that make it unique and recognizes that each subject has its ways of learning. Within the holistic education all intellectual, emotional and artistic aspects they should be grown with love and respect to the processes and characteristics of each student we serve.

The second level of entire shows the holarquia educational community awareness of the human being is a level more complete by that already includes others, the educator holistic emphasis placed on the quality of human relations, is thus arise in school learning communities. The educators holistas see humans as a be sociable by nature-oriented community, social coexistence is another integral part of individual development, sociability is stimulated through cooperative actions and teamwork. The third level of totality is the social conscience refers to national or racial consciousness of human beings where they acquire great importance the ideological foundations and economic goals of the countries or cultures. The same atmosphere of education should revolve around solidarity, to human needs shared, to justice and to the encouragement of original and critical thinking. The values must be personified by every citizen. The fourth level refers to the planetary consciousness, to globalization processes that demand worldwide interest, is to promote and strengthen a love humanity and gratitude to our House as the planet is Earth, i.e.

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