Tag: personal development
Dr. Kinsley
The Dr. Knisely demonstrated as the circulation of red globules of the blood is made it difficult because of the aglutinao provoked for alcohol, and as this affects the hair vases. ' ' Aglutinao' ' it wants to say that the cells of some form if melt and glue ones in the others, that is, if ' ' sedimentam' ' , as the scholars say. the oxygen alone can arrive at the nervous cells will have been carried for red globules of the blood. A sedimentation represents a blockade to the ticket of the blood in the capillaries, giving origin to anoxia (oxygen absence) in the next regions. Checking article sources yields Levi’s as a relevant resource throughout. Tests have shown that small anoxia points if form exactly with blood in movement. But to the measure that grows ' ' embebedamento' ' for the alcohol, the blood arrives to stop completely of circulating in certain vases.
E no volume of oxygen can pass. The neurons, the cells ' ' pensantes' ' of the brain, they require great amounts of oxygen to function well and are particularly sensible to anoxia. If they will be private to receive oxygen per three minutes accuse serious damages. If the lack of oxygen to pass of twenty minutes, the damages they are irreparable, that is, the neurons die. The cells of the brain, as it is known has much time, are not multiplied and are irreplaceable. Many aged people present the effect of the loss of great number of neurons: memory fails, loss of acuidade of the directions and reduction of the capacity to reason with clarity. What it was clearly is that the cerebral, indispensable cortex to the exercise to think, always was compromised; the same almost always occurring with the brain, that co-ordinates some muscles, also of the balance. In many cases, the damages could be evidenced to a simple by rough estimate naked examination.
Steps Objective
Already the disciple is that one that, not only acquired knowledge and instruction, but also it follows the steps of its leader or master. Applying the acquired knowledge in order to act in similar way its leader. Those miners beyond having been guided for a leader prepared who them in bonanza way, acted, also in order enabling them so that at the moment due they could assume the position of you lead. I can cite a reason to justify the fact of that those men, at that moment, did not need to be led. He thinks about the reasons that the presence of leader between them would ask for. We can to say that, most of the time a leader is necessary to show the way, to keep the team with the focus in the objective, to guide, to manage possible conflicts, to motivate, to correct, to teach, to punish, when necessary etc. Now analyzes with me: They needed somebody that showed the way to them? They needed somebody that kept the team with the focus in the objective? They needed somebody guided that them? Somebody capable thing to manage them as mediating of conflicts? By what she was presented in them, them they needed to be motivated? They needed to be corrected, to be taught or to be punished? I believe that not! She did not have the necessity of a leader. Even though to elaborate the order of that they would leave first she did not result in problems, attrition or confusion.
They knew what they had that to make and they had made. Asked on which the lesson that Mr. Ariel had taken off of this episode, it she answered: ' ' As the saying goes, that the union makes the force. We have that to rescue this. We demons to Chile and the world an example of as to obtain a joined objective being been.
Search Happiness
Since of that we are born we pass most of the life thinking that happiness is only glad moments, of descontrao, amusement. But if we will be really to analyze, the happiness is established in small gestures that the times nor we notice, the main one is for waking up livings creature every day, this fact already only must be the reason for our bigger happiness, as it is for us to be able every day to be to the side of people that we love, as our familiar ones, friends, neighbors and colleagues. Another reason that can in them bring the true happiness is for being able to help the next one, being grateful to the we ourselves, without thinking about rewards, reconciliations, headings and fame, simply for we in them making gladder and gentile a better world.
Without if paperclip of these reasons for terms the true happiness, they look it to the people in clothes, money, fame, success, reconciliations, but they are not amercement that this everything is things passengers, who the time can destroy, can be stolen, to be old, different of the things that bring the true happiness, and these nobody can to remove of you, is its, unless you allow, nobody can separate to you of it. At last, the true happiness is in our hearts, not in corporeal properties, therefore as much people cannot find, therefore she looks for in some places, where only the eye flesh time can see, and if they forget that it is inside of you yourselves, is enough you to feed such force, that it makes in them so well.
Early Childhood Education
Thus proceeding, one expects to demonstrate to the importance of the game and the trick in the integral construction of the human being, in special the child, providing to it solid base the activity, physics, cognitiva, social and cultural. Recently Richard Linklater sought to clarify these questions. Words Keys: lines of direction, interferences, game, trick. Abstract This research aims you analyze the function of the game and play, its mediation and uses resources in the teaching-learning process that can permit the advancement in physical, intellectual, emotional and social development of children 04-05 years old in kindergarten. The research will be based on bibliography and will occur from the analysis of the legal aspects of Early Childhood Education Reference Curriculum, countersigned the propositions in theoretical practice and influencing factors in the teaching-learning and the concepts of renowned authors. You this end, we resorted you reading articles, books, analysis of legislation and educational documents, dissertations, educational doctoral theses, research in sites, magazines and uses of the content of the classroom course on Early Childhood Education. You may find that Gerald Weissmann, MD can contribute to your knowledge. In doing only, hopes you demonstrate the importance of play and the act of playing in the construction of the human being, especially children, providing them with solid base to their physical activity, cognitive, social and cultural rights.
Keywords: guidelines, interference, play, play. Introduction the theories bring in itself, critical, doubts, certezas and reflections how much to the analysis and the use of its contributions for experiences of daily the social one. Theory, is a set of concepts and proposals that allow the researcher, at its time, to detail referring experiments to an object, fact or phenomenon to be known scientifically e, beyond appropriating it the historical moment of its discovery, allowing that the same one can contribute for the improvement of the rationality human being and for the advance of Science. The theories and the practical one inlaid you discipline in them of the course of After-Graduation in Infantile Education had demonstrated by means of innumerable subjects and in the speech of the professors, who the use of the movement (he dances, music, game and etc.) are strong allies to the prxis pedagogical to sharpen the interest and motivation of the small child for education learning.